JASPER JOTTINGS Week 23- 2009 June 06
Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College
- POSITRACTION: Man, 70, drowns saving two
- JFound: Powers, James Matthew [MC1965]
- JObit: Cocozziello, Victor [MC1951]
- JObit: Zauner, Nicholas Joseph [MC1951]
- JEmail: McFadden, Michael J. (MC1973) has some notes
- JEmail: Blocker, Bernadette (MCstf) has a job letter
- JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) updates two stories
- JEmail: McCarra-Fitzpatrick, MaryAnn (MC1989) does poetry
- JUpdate: Conigliaro, Joseph (MC1977)
- Comment on JEmail: McCarra-Fitzpatrick, MaryAnn (MC1989) does poetry
- ENDNOTE: Condemning porn for non-religious reasons
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POSITRACTION: Man, 70, drowns saving two
Man, 70, drowns saving two boys in rip current
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Sunday, April 26, 2009
*** begin quote ***
POMPANO BEACH — A 70-year-old man drowned in the ocean Saturday
while rescuing two young boys who got caught in a rip current and rough
surf off Pompano Beach, officials said.
Charles Schulze carried the two boys, ages 9 and 12, almost to shore in the 1200 block of South Ocean Boulevard.
{Extraneous Deleted}
*** end quote ***
[JR: Greater love hath no man … …]
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* Posted on: Sun, May 31 2009 12:37 PM
JFound: Powers, James Matthew [MC1965]
PROFILE: James Matthew Powers
OCCUPATION: neuropathologist, educator, researcher
BORN: Cleveland, September 15, 1943
BS in Biology, Manhattan College, 1965
MD, Medical University South Carolina, Charleston, 1969
Diplomate in anatomic pathology and neuropathology Am. Board Pathology.
Director electron micros. laboratory VA Hospital, Charleston, 1973-76;
assistant professor pathology Medical University South Carolina,
1973-76, associate professor pathology, 1976-80, professor pathology,
1980-88; vice chairman department pathology Columbia College Physicians
and Surgeons, New York City, 1989-92; professor, director
neuropathology University Rochester, 1992-2005, associate chair of
education, 1994-97, director residency training program, 1994-2003,
professor pathology and laboratory medicine
Career Related
Secretary Biological Stain Commission, 1994-2001
Creative Works
Author: (practice guidelines) Archives Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, 1995, Greenfield’s Neuropathology, 2002; member
editorial bd.: Human Pathology, 1991-2005, Brain Pathology, 1995-2000,
Acta Neuropathologica, 1995-2005, Biotech. and Histochemistry,
1994-2001, Modern Pathology, 1996-2004, Neurology, 1999-2004, Am.
Journal Surgical Pathology, 1999-2005, Journal Neuropath. Experimental
Neurology, 2000-06; contributor chapter to book, articles to
professional journals
Member International Society Neuropathology (vice president 1994-97),
Am. Association Neuropathologists (president 1993, Moore award 1975,
76, 77, 81, Lifetime Achievement award for Meritorious Contbns. to
Neuropathology 2007), US-Can. Academy Pathology.
Son of Alfred Patrick and Margaret Anne (Gunther) P.; Married Karen P. Smith, 1983; children: Kristin, Scott, Conor.
Office: U Rochester Sch Medicine and Dentistry Box 626 601 Elmwood Ave Rochester New York 14642
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Powers, James Matthew [MC1965]
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* Posted on: Sun, May 31 2009 10:12 PM
JObit: Cocozziello, Victor [MC1951]
[JR: Grace Feeney (MCstf) messaged me: "Attached find article/obituary
for Victor Cocozziello Class of 1951. Victor was a frequent attendee at
our S.I Manhattan College Club breakfast. "]
[JR: Attached was as followed below that was xeroxed from the paper. I went to Legacy which had.]
Victor A. Cocozziello
Victor A. Cocozziello of Bay Terrace on May 28, 2009. Beloved husband
of Margaret (Honey). Devoted father of Joanne Grippo, Marie (Ria)
Cicero, and Jack Cocozziello. Cherished grandfather of seven. Fond
brother of Albert. Reposing at Colonial Funeral Home, 2819 Hylan Blvd.,
corner of Tysens Lane. Mass Tuesday 9:15 A.M. St. Charles RC Church.
Visiting hours Sunday and Monday 2-4 and 7-9 P.M.
www.colonialfuneralhomesi.com www.SILive.com/obits
[JR: But where was the long version that allowed Grace to scoop me? The
SILIVE site pointed to Legacy. Digging around the website I found it.
BUT, (there is always a big butt), it appears that Legacy is not
getting the full obit and Google isn't indexing all the pages. So we
need eyeballs.]
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Victor Cocozziello, 79
by Staten Island Advance
Sunday May 31, 2009, 5:05 AM
Retired lawyer, former prosecutor was active in Republican party
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Victor A. Cocozziello, 79, of Bay Terrace,
a retired lawyer and former prosecutor, died Thursday in Staten Island
University Hospital, Ocean Breeze.
Born and raised in Manhattan, Mr. Cocozziello settled in Bay Terrace in the 1970s.
He was a graduate of St. Anthony’s Elementary School, Manhattan,
where he met his future wife, Margaret (Honey) Robertelli. Mr.
Cocozziello later graduated from Cardinal Hayes High School in the
Bronx, Manhattan College and Fordham University Law School, Manhattan.
Mr. Cocozziello began his legal career in 1954 as an assistant district
attorney in the Homicide Division of the Manhattan district
attorney’s office.
He later left that office to become a lawyer for the New York State Racing and Wagering Board, before retiring in the 1990s.
Mr. Cocozziello was very active in the Republican Party on Staten
Island and after his retirement, worked for the late Republican state
Sen. John Marchi.
He also worked tirelessly for the Goodhue Center of the
Children’s Aid Society, New Brighton, as well as the Staten
Island Zoo.
Highly intelligent, Mr. Cocozziello was an avid reader of newspapers and current events. He also was a devoted family man.
Mr. Cocozziello was a parishioner of St. Charles R.C. Church, Oakwood.
“He was always the consummate gentleman,” said his spouse of 57 years, Margaret.
Surviving, in addition to his wife, Margaret, are his son, Jack Victor;
two daughters, Marie Cicero and Joanne Grippo; his brother, Albert, and
seven grandchildren.
The funeral will be Tuesday from the Colonial Funeral Home, New Dorp,
with a mass at 9:15 a.m. in St. Charles Church. Arrangements include
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* Posted on: Tue, Jun 2 2009 9:39 PM
JObit: Zauner, Nicholas Joseph [MC1951]
Nicholas Joseph Zauner
Sept. 10, 1927 – June 2, 2009
Nicholas Joseph Zauner, 81, of Venice, formerly of St. James, N.Y., died June 2, 2009.
Visitation will be from 2 to 4 p.m and from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Lemon
Bay Funeral Home, Venice Chapel. A Mass of Christian burial will be at
10 a.m. Saturday at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Interment will
follow in Venice Memorial Gardens.
Survivors include Katherine, his wife of 54 years; sons Thomas J. of
Wilton, N.Y., John F. of Newnan, Ga., James of Princeton, N.J., and
Peter T. of Boca Raton; a daughter, Mary Beth Faroudi of Venice; 15
grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
A modest man, Mr. Zauner was a wonderful husband and father, and had a
reputation for being a good and faithful friend, always there for
anyone who needed him. In his earlier years he served as chairman of
the science department for Smithtown High School in New York, where a
science scholarship has been established in his name.
He was also a much-loved basketball, baseball, track, and soccer coach
and referee in New York. Being an exceptional athlete himself, Nicholas
was All City Horseshoe Champion in New York City at the age of 17.
A member of the New York State Teachers’ Union, Mr. Zauner received his Bachelor of Science degree from Manhattan College and earned his Master of Science from NYU, where he also served as an instructor.
He retired in 1991, moving to Venice with his wife, Katherine, in 1995.
He sang in the church choir in St. James, New York, for 27 years,
carrying on the tradition at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Venice for
an additional 14 years.
In his spare time, Mr. Zauner enjoyed golfing and membership in the ROMEOs and NOVA.
He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
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Zauner, Nicholas Joseph [MC????]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/oe8nzl
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Dear John,
I believe that Nicholas is a member of the Class of 1951.
May He Rest In Peace.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. ]
Zauner, Nicholas Joseph [MC1951]
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* Posted on: Thu, Jun 4 2009 9:15 AM
JEmail: McFadden, Michael J. (MC1973) has some notes
I haven’t written in a while here (as you can probably tell by
the fact that I’m sending it to THREE possible addresses for you!
LOL!) Most of the time when I appear in the news and such they
don’t mention my educational background so I don’t usually
feel it’s appropriate for our circle here, but I’d like to
share two things that just came in today. :)
First of all is the VERY nicely positive review of “Dissecting
Antismokers’ Brains” in the Journal of American Physicians
and Surgeons. I think that’s the first review I’ve gotten
in an actual medical journal! See journal page #63 (link page 3) at:
Secondly, I’ve been working hard the last few weeks to expose the
shenanigans behind a study just out of Ohio State U and U of Minnesota
and today the U of Minn newspaper editorial board picked up on my
efforts and ran a major editorial on it. See my response below it and
link as well. :)
Soooo…. that’s what’s been keeping me busy. And I
always look forward to getting my Jottings every week. Just wish there
were a few more folks from ‘70 to ‘77 active in there!
Oh! And if there are any Jaspers out there who like politically
oriented science fiction, have either a Kindle or an I-Phone, and would
like to help a Jasper with neither…. :> I’ve written a
novelette currently sold on Kindle/IPhone by the title of
“TobakkoNacht!” It’s for sale for $1.35 (bundled with
some other writings as well) and I’ve gotten one piece of
feedback that it has formatting problems. If anyone is up for
downloading it and giving me an idea of WHAT those problems are so that
I can fix them I’d be eternally grateful!
Michael J. McFadden
Class of ‘73
Peace Studies / Psychology Major
Author of “Dissecting Antismokers’ Brains”
General Roundabout Social Activist… {Still! LOL!}
Canti loper at aol dot com
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McFadden, Michael J. (MC1973)
[JR: (1) Always glad to hear from our fellow Jaspers. Nice to have
something to put up on Jottings other than obits. And, all three emails
work. I try to be easy to reach. (Liberal Arts guys confuse SO easily.)
Yell at your 70-77 comrades; I'll push just about anything. Anything
that meets our "strict" editorial standards. (We'll know it when we see
it?) (2) Congrats on being "journalized". Guess that makes you a legit
source of wisdom. (3) Ahh a real muckraker. (4) Congrats. On the Amazon
listing. And, on writing books in general. I have a new found respect
for the effort it takes. Kindle would be a great place for "Church" due
to its length. (5) Social Activist? Is that like "community organizer"
rofl. (6) Thanks for the material. fjohn68]
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* Posted on: Thu, Jun 4 2009 9:41 AM
JEmail: Blocker, Bernadette (MCstf) has a job letter
Dear Alumni,
I am forwarding job and career related information. I will generally
send all that I receive to everyone on my list. Please disregard if
Have a great afternoon!
Bernadette Blocker
Recruitment Coordinator
Center for Career Development
Manhattan College
bernadette dot blocker at manhattan dot edu
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Blocker, Bernadette (MCstf)
[JR: A source of job information.]
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* Posted on: Thu, Jun 4 2009 8:09 PM
JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) updates two stories
Dear John,
>JObit: Curry, John Patrick [MC????]
I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1961.
May He Rest In Peace.
>JFound: Burnham, Geoffrey [MC????] at 2009 NECINA Annual Meeting
I believe that the Doctor is a member of the Class of 1970.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
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* Posted on: Thu, Jun 4 2009 11:27 PM
JEmail: McCarra-Fitzpatrick, MaryAnn (MC1989) does poetry
“MaryAnn McCarra-Fitzpatrick (1989, Arts and Sciences) has
uploaded another poetry reading to YouTube. This may also be viewed via
the “video bar” on her blog, McCarra/Poetry or on her
Facebook page.”
MaryAnn McCarra-Fitzpatrick
Mount Vernon, NY 10552-1826
Poetry podcasts hosted by Podbean.com: http://maryannmccarrafitzpatrick.podbean.com
See my listing in the ArtsWestchester Artist Directory:
Read my articles!!!
Now with new and updated links!!!
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[JR: She has more places on the web than I do. :-) All free!]
McCarra-Fitzpatrick, MaryAnn (MC1989)
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* Posted on: Thu, Jun 4 2009 11:34 PM
JUpdate: Conigliaro, Joseph (MC1977)
Conigliaro, Joseph (MC1977)
Bridgeport / Stamford, CT
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Networking
Political Views: Republican Party
Religious Views: Conservative Catholic
College: Manhattan College ‘77
High School: Saint Francis Seminary ‘73
Employer: PippoProducts.com
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* Posted on: Fri, Jun 5 2009 7:40 AM
Comment on JEmail: McCarra-Fitzpatrick, MaryAnn (MC1989) does poetry
By MaryAnn McCarra-Fitzpatrick
Many thanks.
Yes, all the sites are free……probably has something to do with my Scots-Irish ancestry!!
Hope you have a great weekend…..
all best,
MaryAnn (McCarra-Fitzpatrick) 1989
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* Posted on: Fri, Jun 5 2009 8:18 AM
ENDNOTE: Condemning porn for non-religious reasons
The Problem With Porn
May 11, 2009
*** begin quote ***
The Ways in Which Porn Saps Your Manliness
1. It objectifies women.
2. It supports a filthy industry
3. It will mess with your expectations of sex
4. It creates a cycle that diminishes your sexual pleasure
5. It saps your manly confidence
*** end quote ***
It takes your time and attention away where it should be. It’s a
quadrant 4 “Neither Urgent; nor important” (i.e., time
wasting) activity. One of the few things that I can think of that goes
into that quadrant.
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* Posted on: Sat, June 6 2009 8:37 PM
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"Bon courage a vous tous"
"Dona Nobis Pacem"