JASPER JOTTINGS Week 44 - 2009 November 01
Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College
- POSITRACTION: Against all odds
- JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Brennan, Robert T. [MC1982]
- JFound: Creagh, Gerard [MC1981] Pres Duff + Phelps
- JFound: Russo, Jeff [MC2010] internships
- JNews: Stagnaro, Melissa [MC1997?] 2009 Advocate of Agriculture Award
- JFound: Borrone, Lillian (MC1977)
- JFound: Kuhn, Rob (MC1973)
- JHQ: NYC Alumni Club Reception 11/19
- JFound: Lopiano, Victor N. [MC1972] SVP PPL Corp
- JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Bowe, James [MC1973]
- JFound: A mystery Jasper born in 1945
- JFound: Puliafico, Jessica [MC????]
- JFound: Serrano, José M. [MC1995] returns to MC
- JObit: Longto, Frank J. [MC1965 RIP]
- JEmail: Rachel Pong, Rachel (MC2009)
- JFound: Cardona, J. Charles [MC1977] Pres The Dreyfus Corp
- JHQ: Inauguration Web site
- JFound: Meany, Dennis M. [MC1969] SVP IFF
- JEmail: Lawrence, Richard A. (MC1968) spots MC in the McNewsPaper
- JFound: Umana, John [MC1969] remembers the Beatles
- JFound: Medica, John K. [MC1980] BoD National Instruments
- JHQ: Spooktacular?
- JNews: Lillis, John [MC1970] running for Town Council
- JNews: Magovern, Frederick J. [MC????] Angel in Adoption
- JFound: Dimartino, Joseph S. [MC1965] BoD Newark Group
- JObit: Owens, Vincent P. [MC???? RIP]
- JFound: Considine, Martin D. [MC????] VP – Coal Tech: Peabody Energy
- Comment on ENDNOTE: Others see the problem
- ENDNOTE: Gooferment is always incompetent!
# # # # #
POSITRACTION: Against all odds
Off the Face of the Earth
by Peter Lane Taylor
*** begin quote ***
The remarkable story of a group of Holocaust survivors who hid in one of the world’s largest caves.
*** and ***
“My mother never trusted authority,” Shulim told us.
“The Germans, the Russians, the Ukrainians. It didn’t
matter. She taught us early on that no matter who it was, if they told
you to do one thing, you always did the opposite. If the Germans said,
‘Go to the ghettos, you’ll be safe there,’ you went
to the forest or the mountains. You went as far away from the ghettos
as you could go.”
*** end quote ***
[JR: I wasn't sure if this should be a POSITRACTION or an ENDNOTE. So I
made it both. Read the story on this webpage. POSITRACTION survival by
heroic effort against terrible odds.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Oct 25 2009 12:37 AM
JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Brennan, Robert T. [MC1982]
*** begin quote ***
JFound: Brennan, Robert T. [MC????] CEO Iron Mountain
*** end quote ***
Dear John,
I believe that Brendan is a member of the Class of 1982.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Brennan, Robert T. [MC1982]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Oct 25 2009 1:37 PM
* Updated: Mon, Oct 26 2009 7:30 PM
JFound: Creagh, Gerard [MC1981] Pres Duff + Phelps
Gerard Creagh
Pres, Board of Directors: Duff & Phelps Corporation
Gerard Creagh currently serves as the President and a member of the
Board of Directors of Duff & Phelps. Mr. Creagh served as Executive
Managing Director of Standard & Poor’s Corporate Value
Consulting practice prior to its merger with Duff & Phelps in
September 2005. He joined Standard & Poor’s from
PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he held the position of North American
Valuation Services Practice Leader. Mr. Creagh previously served as the
U.S. Leader for the Valuation Practice of Coopers & Lybrand. He has
more than 20 years of experience consulting with U.S. and multinational
companies on valuation issues arising from corporate strategies,
M&A, joint ventures, divestitures and restructurings. Mr. Creagh
received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in mechanical engineering from Manhattan College, and his M.B.A. degree in finance from New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business.
Gerard Creagh currently serves as the President and a member of the
Board of Directors of Duff & Phelps. Mr. Creagh served as Executive
Managing Director of Standard & Poor’s Corporate Value
Consulting practice prior to its merger with Duff & Phelps in
September 2005. He joined Standard & Poor’s from
PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he held the position of North American
Valuation Services Practice Leader. Mr. Creagh previously served as the
U.S. Leader for the Valuation Practice of Coopers & Lybrand.
# – # – #
Creagh, Gerard [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Gerard is a member of the Class of 1981.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Creagh, Gerard [MC1981]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Oct 25 2009 2:06 PM
* Updated: Mon, Oct 26 2009 7:30 PM
JFound: Russo, Jeff [MC2010] internships
Rain Rain Go Away
October 24, 2009 at 7:28 pm by Vic
*** begin quote ***
In case you were wondering I will be spending the night at Manhattan
College in the Bronx. Due to the poor forecast my father opted out of
coming to the game. I will be attending the game with a good friend of
mine Jeff Russo. Jeff is a senior at Manhattan College Marketing major.
I met Jeff through the ValleyCats. Jeff was an intern with me during
the past two summers with the ValleyCats. Jeff worked in the Ticketing
department and I worked in sales. This past summer Jeff and I were the
Senior interns with the ValleyCats. Together we lead the 2009 intern
class to one of the best ValleyCats summers in history. Unlike most
business the ValleyCats rely heavily on their interns so a lot of their
success can be contributed to their outstanding internship program.
*** end quote ***
# – # – #
Russo, Jeff [MC2010]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Oct 25 2009 3:37 PM
JNews: Stagnaro, Melissa [MC1997?] 2009 Advocate of Agriculture Award
And the ‘Aggie’ goes to…
*** begin quote ***
In my year and a half or so with The Evening Sun, I’ve had the
opportunity (read: been required) to attend annual dinners for a number
of different agencies and organizations. Most of these events feature
some kind of award presentation, where the group honors an individual
or group of individuals for their contributions, commitment,
dedication, etc.
The Chenango County Farm Bureau annual dinner, held last night at the
Silo Restaurant, was no different. Except for the fact that, as it
turns out, I was the person they had chosen to recognize.
Each year the farm advocacy group gives out an Advocate of Agriculture
Award, honoring someone who they feel has been “extremely
active” in promoting the local ag industry and the CCFB. This
year, they have selected me for this honor.
*** end quote ***
Stagnaro, Melissa [MC1997?]
[JR: Nice to see a Jasper "out standing in their field". :-) Seriously, Bravo Zulu, "farm girl".]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Oct 25 2009 5:27 PM
JFound: Borrone, Lillian (MC1977)
Lillian Borrone
Independent Maritime Professional
Chairman at Eno Transportation Foundation
February 2003 – Present (6 years 9 months)
Public Policy; develops future transportation leaders, identifies
emerging issues, prepares policy positions through research and
publications, sponsors public policy forums on cutting edge issues.
I am a Board member of STV, Int. Inc. an architectural, engineering,
security and program management firm with offices throughout the US; a
Steering Committee member of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative; a
member of the Board of Advisors for the Urban Coast Institute at
Monmouth University, NJ and a member of the Board of Advisors at the
United States Merchant Marine Academy, King’s point, NY.
Also serve on the Board of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ Subsidiaries and its Holding Company
Manhattan College
M.S. Civil Engineering/Transp Mgmt
1975 – 1977
American University
1966 – 1968
# – # – #
Borrone, Lillian (MC1977)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Oct 25 2009 5:36 PM
JFound: Kuhn, Rob (MC1973)
Rob Kuhn
Content Crafter: Create, Tweak–>Overhaul, Produce
Location Greater New York City Area
Industry Writing and Editing
* Editorial Producer at Major League Baseball Advanced Media
* Writer / Editor at Freelance writing
“Editing and writing are core skills I have utilized in diverse roles.”
“I always bring great dedication to the details of my work, and unique creativity when possible.”
“I am very interested in tackling a challenging opportunity that
will require me to use much of my experience, and possibly add new
That’s the boilerplate form my typical cover letter. It’s
beginning to strike even me as tired. But what can you do when
it’s true and you’ve lived it for upwards of 30 years
The third quote is accurate, but if I’m honest, I have never had
a career goal, and — perhaps appropriately as I get my health
insurance through Working Today (The Freelancers Union) — I
suppose I continue to take my work where I can find it.
I would prefer the security of a full-time position to layering
part-time assignments. I am prepared by experience and my current
tool-set to do content development / editing for online or print. My
basic skills are solid.
I would like to beef up my experience with software tools that would
allow me to move toward Technical Writing (any assistance would be
welcomed), but I am not limiting myself to that.
I guess I have made “ramping up quickly” my main specialty.
I have an unfortunate habit of making a flat first impression, then
(fortunately) surprising people with my competence. It’s a trend
that goes all the way back to Little League tryouts (such that after I
hit a grand slam to dead center one day, they asked to check my bat).
Professionally, though, this has resulted in more than one promotion
out of staff into management, and one request to reconsider leaving a
Editorial Producer
Major League Baseball Advanced Media
Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Sports industry
April 2005 – Present (4 years 7 months)
* Edit and produce text and graphics for minorleaguebaseball.com using proprietary content management system (CMS)
* Write stories, headlines, subheads, captions and blurbs using AP and in-house styles
Manhattan College
B.A. English Literature
1969 – 1973
Bergen Catholic High School
1965 – 1969
# – # – #
Kuhn, Rob (MC1973)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 9:43 AM
JHQ: NYC Alumni Club Reception 11/19
LinkedIn Groups
Group: Manhattan College Alumni Society
Subject: New York City Alumni Club Reception 11/19
Join us for a special networking reception featuring guest speaker
Brennan O’Donnell Ph.D., the 19th president of Manhattan College.
The event takes place Thursday, November 19, 2009 from 6:00 to 9:00
p.m. and is hosted by New York Life Insurance Company (51 Madison Ave,
13th Floor). Advance registration is required due to building security
More information and online registration is available at http://www.manhattan.edu/alumni_friends/nycevents.php.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 11:14 AM
JFound: Lopiano, Victor N. [MC1972] SVP PPL Corp
Victor N. Lopiano
Senior Vice President – Fossil and Hydro Generation: PPL Corporation
Victor N. Lopiano is in charge of PPL’s 35 hydroelectric and
fossil-fueled generating plants in the United States. In addition, he
is responsible for the company’s power plant engineering and
construction activities and also serves as president of PPL Nuclear
Development, the subsidiary formed in 2007 to develop options to expand
the company’s nuclear operations.
Lopiano oversees PPL’s large power plant construction projects,
such as the $1.5 billion state-of-the-art air pollution control
equipment the company is installing at its Pennsylvania coal-fired
power plants and over $600 million of hydroelectric generation
expansion in Pennsylvania and Montana.
Under Lopiano’s leadership, PPL also has applied for a combined
construction and operating license and federal loan guarantees for a
possible new nuclear power plant in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Before joining PPL in 2008, Lopiano spent 12 years with USEC Inc., a
leading supplier of enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power
plants. His most recent position was vice president of American
Centrifuge, where he was responsible for developing and deploying
USEC’s advanced centrifuge enrichment technology.
While at USEC, Lopiano also served as the senior USEC manager in
Livermore, Calif., responsible for the development of advanced
laser-based enrichment technology, and director of projects in
USEC’s corporate development department in Maryland.
Prior to USEC, Lopiano held senior management positions with various
power plant business units of ABB Inc. over an 11-year period. Lopiano
also previously worked for Burns and Roe, where he held positions of
increasing responsibility in the engineering, procurement and
construction of several power plants and cogeneration facilities.
He earned a Bachelor of Engineering in electrical engineering from Manhattan College and a Master of Engineering in nuclear engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y.
Victor N. Lopiano is in charge of PPL’s 35 hydroelectric and
fossil-fueled generating plants in the United States. In addition, he
is responsible for the company’s power plant engineering and
construction activities and also serves as president of PPL Nuclear
Development, the subsidiary formed in 2007 to develop options to expand
the company’s nuclear operations. Lopiano oversees PPL’s
large power plant construction projects, such as the $1.5 billion
state-of-the-art air pollution control equipment
# – # – #
Lopiano, Victor N. [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Victor is a member of the Class of 1972.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Lopiano, Victor N. [MC1972]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 2:10 PM
* Updated: Wed, Oct 28 2009 11:28 AM
JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Bowe, James [MC1973]
*** begin quote ***
JFound: Bowe, James [MC????] described
*** end quote ***
Dear John,
I believe that James is a member of the Class of 1973.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Bowe, James [MC1973]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 5:52 PM
JFound: A mystery Jasper born in 1945
Monday, October 26, 2009
*** begin quote ***
My Dad, Harry, is the oldest of five. He was born in 1945 on a military
base in Virginia, lived in Queens, but moved upstate to Ashland when he
was seven. I imagine he was always outside from that point on. His
parents had chickens, he was given a rifle at 11, so he hunted and
trapped. He read a lot growing up and hitchhiked. He graduated top of
his class and moved to the city to study engineering at Manhattan college.
He joined the navy and retired as a captain after 26 years. He studied
architecture at Harvard and has an extensive book collection. During
the week, he was always home on the 6:15 train from the city to have
dinner with his family and he never misses mass on the weekend. Now
retired, he wants to travel more after his recent trip to China. I have
to call the house at noon to catch him nowadays, he is usually outside
doing something, building a stone wall, chopping wood, painting the
side of the house. Oh did I mention he loves to ski. He used to call me
a noodle and now he writes me letters.
*** end quote ***
[JR: A mystery Jasper?]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 9:06 PM
JFound: Puliafico, Jessica [MC????]
Civil engineer buys condo in Kingsbridge/Spuyten Duyvil
by Glenda Smith, published Oct. 26, 2009 ShareThis
*** begin quote ***
Jessica Puliafico bought condo Unit #17H at 2287 Gerber Place in
Kingsbridge/Spuyten Duyvil from 17H LLC for $427,500 on Sept. 18.
17H LLC paid $294,637 for the property in June 2008. The unit is part
of the 12-story RiverPointe on the Hudson development, which houses 73
Puliafico has served as the vice president of the Manhattan College chapter of the Society of Women Engineers and has worked with Maryland engineering firm Hardesty & Hanover.
According to BlockShopper.com, there have been eight condo sales in
Kingsbridge/Spuyten Duyvil in 2008, with a median sales price of
*** end quote ***
Puliafico, Jessica [MC????]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 9:28 PM
JFound: Serrano, José M. [MC1995] returns to MC
Senator Serrano at Manhattan College Community Leaders’ Roundtable
Posted by José M. Serrano on Tuesday, October 20th, 2009
*** begin quote ***
Senator Serrano attended the Manhattan College Community Leaders’
Roundtable, in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. The lively panel
discussion featured various elected officials including Senator Jeffrey
D. Klein, Councilmember Oliver Koppell, Mayor Philip Amiconi, and
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz.
“I am thrilled to return to my alma mater to speak about my work
in public service, and to enlighten students as to the realities
currently facing our communities,” said Serrano. “I hope
that my work, and the work of the other elected officials present will
serve to inspire a future generation of civil servants.”
*** end quote ***
Serrano, José M. [MC1995]
# # # # #
Dear John,
Also on the panel with Senator Serrano, ‘95 was Mayor Philip Amiconi, ‘71 of Yonkers.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Oct 26 2009 9:45 PM
* Updated: Wed, Oct 28 2009 2:09 AM
JObit: Longto, Frank J. [MC1965 RIP]
Frank J. Longto
1940 – 2009
Frank J. Longto, 69, of Lake Frederick, Virginia, died Friday, October
23, 2009, of lung cancer, at the Blue Ridge Hospice, Winchester, VA.
Mr. Longto was born in 1940 in Kingston, NY. He was the son of the late Margaret Mary and Frank J. Longto.
He is survived by his wife, Margaret Mary of Lake Frederick, Virginia
and his sister, Peggy Retta and her husband, David Retta of New York,
NY. Also surviving are his brother-in-law, Robert Phillips and his
wife, Chikee; a niece, Kathleen Phillips and nephew, Brian Phillips and
his wife, Megan.
He graduated from Kingston High School, Kingston, NY, in 1958 and from Manhattan College
in 1965 with a BBA in Accounting, Magna Cum Laude. He also received an
MBA in Finance from Baruch College, City University of NY, in 1976 and
attended New York University’s graduate studies program in
Economics and Finance.
Mr. Longto was Assistant Treasurer of Kennecott Copper Corporation, New
York, NY, from 1977-1981. From 1981-1987, he was Vice
President-Treasurer of Uniroyal, Inc., in Middlebury, CT. He joined
Phelps Dodge Corp., Phoenix, AZ in 1987 as Vice President-Treasurer,
retiring in 1995. In 1998, he joined Uniroyal Holding, Inc., as Vice
President, retiring in 2006.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, October 28, 2009,
11:00 AM, at St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, 120 West Main
Street, Front Royal, VA with Father Richard T. Carr officiating.
Donations may be made to Angel Trust, Shenandoah Oncology Associates,
1840 Amherst Street, Winchester, VA 22601 or to Blue Ridge Hospice, 333
W. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601.
# – # – #
Longto, Frank J. [MC1965 RIP]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/yhekq6g
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Oct 27 2009 7:33 AM
JEmail: Rachel Pong, Rachel (MC2009)
“Jasper Jottings is brilliant! Thank you for archiving our achievements.”
Rachel Pong, Rachel (MC2009)
[JR: Thanks, but I'm just collecting. The achievements are usually
reported by others. And, certainly the achievements are not "mine" or
"ours". Hopefully, the reports inspire.]
# – # – #
Calling all undergrad Jaspers — please take my Master’s research survey!!!
The password is: mc
writing, drums, books, child and student advocacy, arguing
against relativism, NJ, my sister’s ridiculous popsicle stick
jokes, Trescong Elbow Fighting, museums, cold weather, The Vague Three
Year Plan, NJ Devils, webcomics
Favorite Books:
The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, Ray Bradbury,
The Nature of Love by Irving Singer, Hitchhiker’s Guide To The
Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Philosophy from Thales to Praxis
Favorite Quotations:
“The festival of rain cannot be stopped, even in the city.”
-Thomas Merton, Rain and the Rhinoceros
Grad School:
* Manhattan College ‘10
* M.A., School Counseling
* Manhattan College ‘09
* B.A., Developmental Psychology, Philosophy
High School:
* Clifton High School ‘05
Office Manager of Student Financial Services
Manhattan College
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Oct 27 2009 8:52 AM
JFound: Cardona, J. Charles [MC1977] Pres The Dreyfus Corp
J. Charles Cardona
Pres: The Dreyfus Corporation
Mr. Cardona is the Chief Executive Officer of BNY Mellon Cash
Investment Strategies (CIS) and President of The Dreyfus Corporation.
He is responsible for oversight of short duration fixed income
activities including investment management, credit research,
distribution and client service. CIS, a division of The Dreyfus
Corporation, is responsible for the growth and maintenance of over $400
billion in client assets under management including separate accounts,
collective funds, offshore liquidity funds, stable value products and
money market funds distributed under the Dreyfus brand.Prior to
assuming these roles, Mr. Cardona served as a Vice Chairman of The
Dreyfus Corporation and President of the Institutional Services
Division of Dreyfus’ broker-dealer subsidiary. He joined the
Institutional Services Division in 1985 with management responsibility
for all Institutional Operations and Client Service units. Prior to
joining the Institutional Services Division, Mr. Cardona served as
Assistant Director of Sales and Services in the Dreyfus Retail Division
which he joined in 1981.Before joining The Dreyfus Corporation, he
spent three years as an Account Manager with Bradford Trust Co.,
responsible for providing syndicate credit for municipal bond
underwritings.Mr. Cardona is a member of The Bank of New York Mellon
Corporation’s Operating Committee and The Bank of New York Mellon
Asset Management Committee. He also serves on the Board of Directors of
The Dreyfus Corporation, MBSC Securities Corporation, and the Universal
Liquidity Funds.Mr. Cardona is a graduate of Manhattan College
with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.The Dreyfus
Corporation, established in 1951 and headquartered in New York City, is
one of the nation’s leading asset management and distribution
companies, currently managing more than $450 billion in mutual funds
and separately managed accounts. Dreyfus is part of BNY Mellon Asset
Management, a leading global provider of investment management products
and services that offers a broad range of equity, fixed-income, hedge
and liquidity management products through individual asset management
companies and multiple distribution channels.BNY Mellon is the
corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. BNY Mellon
is a global financial services company focused on helping clients
manage and service their financial assets, operating in 34 countries
and serving more than 100 markets. The company is a leading provider of
financial services for institutions, corporations and high-net-worth
individuals, providing superior asset management and wealth management,
asset servicing, issuer services, clearing services and treasury
services through a worldwide client-focused team. It has $20.7 trillion
in assets under custody and administration, $926 billion in assets
under management, services more than $11.8 trillion in outstanding
debt, and processes global payments averaging $1.8 trillion per day.
Additional information is available at www.bnymellon.com.
Mr. Cardona is the Chief Executive Officer of BNY Mellon Cash
Investment Strategies (CIS) and President of The Dreyfus Corporation.
He is responsible for oversight of short duration fixed income
activities including investment management, credit research,
distribution and client service. CIS, a division of The Dreyfus
Corporation, is responsible for the growth and maintenance of over $400
billion in client assets under management including separate accounts,
collective funds, offshore liquidity funds … …
# – # – #
Cardona, J. Charles [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Charles is a member of the Class of 1977.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Cardona, J. Charles [MC1977]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Oct 27 2009 2:20 PM
* Updated: Thu, Oct 29 2009 3:06 PM
JHQ: Inauguration Web site
Dear Manhattan College Alumni,
Today marks the historic installation of Dr. Brennan O’Donnell as
Manhattan College’s 19th president. Please visit the
College’s inauguration Web site at the link below for a live
stream of the event. The stream begins at 12:00 pm, with the ceremony
starting at 1:00 pm.
College Relations
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Oct 28 2009 12:38 PM
JFound: Meany, Dennis M. [MC1969] SVP IFF
Dennis M. Meany
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary: International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.
Dennis Meany was elected Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, effective January 1, 2004.
Mr. Meany served for six years as Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary of Bush Boake Allen Inc., which was acquired by IFF in
November 2000. He previously spent 15 years with Union Camp Corporation
in positions of increasing responsibility.
Mr. Meany holds an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from Manhattan College and graduated with honors from Seton Hall University School of Law.
Dennis Meany was elected Senior Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary, effective January 1, 2004. Mr. Meany served for six years as
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Bush Boake Allen Inc.,
which was acquired by IFF in November 2000. He previously spent 15
years with Union Camp Corporation in positions of increasing
responsibility. Mr. Meany holds an undergraduate degree in Chemical
Engineering from Manhattan College and graduated with honors from Seton
Hall University School
# – # – #
Meany, Dennis M. [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Dennis is a member of the Class of 1969.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Meany, Dennis M. [MC1969]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Oct 28 2009 2:27 PM
* Updated: Fri, Oct 30 2009 10:53 AM
JEmail: Lawrence, Richard A. (MC1968) spots MC in the McNewsPaper
F. John,
I caught the following article in McPaper:
[JR: Thanks, Rich. Much appreciated.]
# – # – #
Lawrence, Richard A. (MC1968)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Oct 29 2009 12:24 PM
JFound: Umana, John [MC1969] remembers the Beatles
“The Beatles recorded “We Can Work It Out” at EMI on
this day in 1965. I was a freshman at Manhattan College.”
# John Umana
# Location Washington, DC
# Bio Lawyer, author, dad & pundit in DC. My book Creation: Towards
a Theory of All Things presents a new theory of evolution and whether
there is life elsewhere.
# – # – #
Umana, John [MC1969]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Oct 29 2009 12:55 PM
JFound: Medica, John K. [MC1980] BoD National Instruments
John K. Medica
Board Member: National Instruments Corporation
John K. Medica retired as Senior Vice President and Co-Leader, Product
Group from Dell Inc. in April 2007. In 1993, Mr. Medica joined Dell as
Vice President, Portable Systems. During 1996, he served as President
and Chief Operating Officer of Dell’s Japan division. He returned
to the U.S. in August 1997 as Vice President, Procurement, and later
served as Vice President, Web Products Group, and Vice President and
General Manager, Transactional Product Group. Prior to joining Dell, he
served as Project Leader for the Macintosh II, Director of the
Macintosh CPU Projects Group and Senior Director of PowerBook
Engineering with Apple Computer. Mr. Medica received his
bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Manhattan College, and his master’s degree in Business Administration from Wake Forest University.
John K. Medica retired as Senior Vice President and Co-Leader, Product
Group from Dell Inc. in April 2007. In 1993, Mr. Medica joined Dell as
Vice President, Portable Systems. During 1996, he served as President
and Chief Operating Officer of Dell’s Japan division. He returned
to the U.S. in August 1997 as Vice President, Procurement, and later
served as Vice President, Web Products Group, and Vice President and
General Manager, Transactional Product Group. Prior to joining Dell, he
served as Project
# – # – #
Medica, John K. [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1980.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Medica, John K. [MC1980]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Oct 29 2009 2:31 PM
* Updated: Sat, Oct 31 2009 10:58 AM
JHQ: Spooktacular?

# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Oct 29 2009 4:55 PM
JNews: Lillis, John [MC1970] running for Town Council
John Lillis, Democrat
Updated: 10/28/2009 05:31:54 PM EDT
-Office sought: Town Council.
-Age: 61.
-Occupation: Attorney.
-Education: Graduated from New Milford High School, Manhattan College with a B.S. and New England School of Law with a J.D.
-Political and community experience: He is a four-year member of the
Town Council, also having served from 1983 through 2003. He was vice
chairman of the Town Council for nine years. He is the former chairman
of the New Milford Charter Revision Commission.
-Three most important issues facing office being sought and proposed solutions:
1) Keeping tax increases low: During difficult economic times, the Town
Council must increase its efforts to make sure every dollar is well
spent. The Town Council should have every member take responsibility
for more closely scrutinizing a specific department or commission at
budget time. Make sure before every capital project, such as road
projects, that building repairs are put out to bid that a determination
has been made whether the Public Works Department can do the job in
order to save money.
2) Increasing economic development: Efforts must be increased to
attract businesses to New Milford which would provide good paying jobs
and increased tax revenue. The town must seek a buyer for the Century
Brass property and not wait for a buyer to come along.
3) Protecting our environment: The town should increase efforts to
preserve local farmland and open space through purchase, conservation
easements and working in concert with local and state land trusts. The
town must protect our water resources by having adequate aquifer
protection regulations adopted and enforced.
# – # – #
Lillis, John [MC????]
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Dear John,
I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1970.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Lillis, John [MC1970]
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* Posted on: Thu, Oct 29 2009 10:47 PM
* Updated: Sat, Oct 31 2009 10:58 AM
JNews: Magovern, Frederick J. [MC????] Angel in Adoption
October 30, 2009
The Garden City News
“Angel In Adoption”
*** begin quote ***
Frederick J. Magovern The Congressional Coalition on Adoption, Inc.,
recently named Garden City resident Frederick J. Magovern a 2009 Angel
in Adoption for his 36 years of adoption advocacy. The ceremonies were
held in Washington, DC on September 30, 2009.
The Angels in Adoption(tm) award is bestowed annually upon individuals
who have made an extraordinary contribution on behalf of children in
need of adoptive homes. This is the largest Congressional event
pertaining to child welfare in the nation. Congresswoman Carolyn
McCarthy nominated Mr. Magovern in recognition of his legal career
devoted to representing adoptive parents and childcare agencies.
*** and ***
He is the son of the late Dr. John J. Magovern, Director of Radiology at Mercy Hospital in Rockville Centre, NY. A graduate of Manhattan College
and Fordham Law School, he and his wife Susan live in Garden City with
their two sons where they are lifelong members of St. Joseph’s
*** end quote ***
Magovern, Frederick J. [MC????]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Oct 30 2009 9:19 AM
JFound: Dimartino, Joseph S. [MC1965] BoD Newark Group
Joseph S. Dimartino
Board of Directors: The Newark Group, Inc.
Mr. DiMartino was elected to The Newark Group’s Board of
Directors in 2000. Since 1995, Mr. DiMartino has been the Chairman of
the Board and a Director of The Dreyfus Family of Mutual Funds in New
York City. He started his career as a bank officer in 1966 and in 1971
joined the Dreyfus Corporation as a portfolio manager. He became
President, Chief Operating Officer and Director of The Dreyfus
Corporation in October 1982. After Dreyfus merged with Mellon Bank in
August 1994, Mr. DiMartino was elected to the board of directors of
Mellon Bank and served in that capacity until his resignation from
Dreyfus in December 1994. Between January 1995 and November 1997 he
held the position of Chairman of the Board and Director for the Noel
Group, Inc. Mr. DiMartino is a 1965 graduate of Manhattan College
and attended New York University’s Graduate School of Business.
Mr. DiMartino is a director and chairman of the compensation committee
of Century Business Systems, Inc. and also a director and chairman of
the audit committee of Levcor International, Inc.
Mr. DiMartino was elected to The Newark Group’s Board of
Directors in 2000. Since 1995, Mr. DiMartino has been the Chairman of
the Board and a Director of The Dreyfus Family of Mutual Funds in New
York City. He started his career as a bank officer in 1966 and in 1971
joined the Dreyfus Corporation as a portfolio manager. He became
President, Chief Operating Officer and Director of The Dreyfus
Corporation in October 1982. After Dreyfus merged with Mellon Bank in
August 1994, Mr. DiMartino was elected
# – # – #
Dimartino, Joseph S. [MC1965]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Oct 30 2009 2:35 PM
JObit: Owens, Vincent P. [MC???? RIP]
Vincent P. Owens
Vincent Patrick “Vinny” Owens passed away peacefully at
home Monday, October 26, 2009 surrounded by his loving family.
Born March 22, 1937 in New York City, and raised in the Fordham section
of the Bronx, Vinny was the son of the late Hannah McAuliffe and Daniel
Owens; and brother of the late Mary Owens. He attended St. Nicholas of
Tolentine School and All Hallows High School and earned his bachelors
degree in accounting from Manhattan College.
He served in the U.S. Army National Guard and worked for more than 30
years in accounting and financial management with Sinclair Oil (ARCO)
in New York City, and Uniroyal Inc. in New York City and Connecticut.
After his retirement in 1986 from Uniroyal, Vinny owned and operated
his own business with Hess Corp., and later worked as a manager at
Midas Corp.
Vinny was a member of the Uniroyal Men’s Club, Crestbrook Park
Golf Club in Watertown, Conn., the International Club in Murrells
Inlet, and St. Michael Church in Garden City Beach. In 2005, he and his
loving wife, companion, and friend of 48 years, Marilyn Sheerin, moved
to Murrells Inlet to realize his retirement dream of living in a golf
Surviving family members in addition to his wife, Marilyn, include his
loving children, Joann Owens Peck and husband, Bruce, and Vincent P.
Owens Jr. and wife, Kerry, and his grandchildren, Erin and Patrick
Owens, who he enjoyed and loved so dearly, all of Boston, Mass. He is
also survived by his dear sister, Gerry Owens McGetrick and husband,
Bill, of Connecticut; many wonderful nieces and nephews throughout New
Jersey and New England; and his many treasured friends.
Memorial Mass will be celebrated 9:30 a.m. Saturday, November 14, 2009
in St. Michael Catholic Church with Father Andrew Trapp officiating.
An online guest book is available at www.goldfinchfuneralhome.com and at TheSunNews.com.
The family would especially like to thank the very caring staffs at Grand Strand Regional Medical Center and at Mercy Hospice.
In lieu of flowers, the family invites donations to St. Michael’s
Catholic Church Building Fund, 542 Cypress Ave., Garden City, SC, 29576.
Goldfinch Funeral Home, Beach Chapel, is in charge of arrangements.
Published in The Sun News on October 31, 2009
# – # – #
Owens, Vincent P. [MC???? RIP]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/ylb9nmd
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Oct 31 2009 9:20 AM
JFound: Considine, Martin D. [MC????] VP – Coal Tech: Peabody Energy
Martin D. Considine
Board Observer: GreatPoint Energy
VP-Coal Tech: Peabody Energy Corporation
Martin D. Considine — is Vice President, Technology, in Peabody
Energy Generation Development Group and is responsible for managing
Peabody’s BTU Conversion activities. His main responsibility is
to increase the utilization of Peabody’s coal reserves in
industrial applications, beyond conventional power production.
Applications include utilization of clean coal technologies to produce
syngas. Considine joined Peabody Energy after serving in various
capacities at Chevron Texaco and Texaco for almost 28 years. He
initially was in the crude and product Supply and Distribution
Department, followed by a period as executive assistant to Senior Vice
Presidents responsible for Texaco Canada and Caltex. Considine served
as Senior Vice President in Texaco’s Worldwide Power and
Gasification Division, responsible for developing conventional power
plants and gasification industrial plants, utilizing Texaco’s
proprietary gasification technology. He also served as Vice President
of Texaco Development Corporation, the licensing subsidiary of Texaco,
Inc. He continued in this same capacity after the Chevron Texaco
merger. A graduate of Manhattan College
in New York, Considine holds Bachelor’s and Master’s
Degrees in Chemical Engineering, and a Master�s degree in Business
Administration from Pace University in New York.
# – # – #
Considine, Martin D. [MC????]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Oct 31 2009 2:40 PM
Comment on ENDNOTE: Others see the problem
By Peadar Ban
I am, indeed, a Jasper. The Prep and the College, both.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Oct 27 2009 5:08 PM
ENDNOTE: Gooferment is always incompetent!
Off the Face of the Earth by Peter Lane Taylor
The remarkable story of a group of Holocaust survivors who hid in one of the world’s largest caves.
“My mother never trusted authority,” Shulim told us.
“The Germans, the Russians, the Ukrainians. It didn’t
matter. She taught us early on that no matter who it was, if they told
you to do one thing, you always did the opposite. If the Germans said,
‘Go to the ghettos, you’ll be safe there,’ you went
to the forest or the mountains. You went as far away from the ghettos
as you could go.”
[JR: I wasn't sure if this should be a POSITRACTION or an ENDNOTE. So I
made it both. Read the story on this webpage. ENDNOTE the incompetency
of evil and the gooferment. They could not even carry out a "simple"
task against defenseless people. And, you expect them to do "better".
The authorities were shown where they were and were stopped by a bag of
food. Sic Semper Tyranis!]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Oct 31 2009 6:37 PM
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"Bon courage a vous tous"
"Dona Nobis Pacem"