JASPER JOTTINGS Week 49 - 2009 December 06
Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College
- POSITRACTION: WWI is still causing harm
- MNews: MC get press coverage
- JFound: Wood, Jerome C. [MC1975]
- JFound: Kessel, Richard E. [MC1971]
- JFound: Pearce, Gerard [MC1978]
- JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) reports on the Bronx Battle
- JFound: Walsh, Meg [MC1979]
- JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) chastizes the CIC
- JEmail: Breen, Jerry (MC1971) offers a Jasper discount
- JFound: Mannarino, Al [MC1982] speaks on Wed 12/9 11 PT
- JFound: Kiernan, Peter P. [MC????]
- JObit: Jasper Obit: Badois, Richard J. (Dick) [MC1956 RIP]
- JBlogger: Cetinski, Andreas [MC1992]
- JObit: Leahy, Robert E. [MC1958 RIP]
- JObit: Young, Ralph P. [MC???? RIP]
- JEmail: Khury, Maria (MC1977) MCLAC 12/19
- JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) reports a story about the MC phenom
- Comment on JBlogger: Briscoe, Tom (MC1968) is TennisTitan
- Comment on JFound: Cummings, Richard [MC1971] NC nip ‘n’ tuck
- ENDNOTE: Today’s debt rooted in the FED and gold
# # # # #
POSITRACTION: WWI is still causing harm
The 26-year-old victim of the First World War
An encounter with an unexploded RAF bomb changed Maité
Roël’s life for ever. Robert Fisk finds out what the Great
War means to her
Friday, 20 November 2009
*** begin quote ***
Maité Roël is just 26 and she is the youngest victim of the
First World War. And when she walks to meet me past the old churchyard
in her village of Bovekerke, she limps, ever so slightly, on her left
leg, the living ghost of all those mutilated, long-dead men whose
memory the world honoured on Armistice Day earlier this month. She even
holds a First World War veteran’s card –
“mutilée dans la guerre” – and when she shows
it to the local railway ticket inspectors for reduced fare train trips,
they suspect her – with awful inevitability – of stealing
it from dead grandfather or great-grandfather.
*** and ***
“We went on a scout camping expedition to Wetteren and I remember
now that it was an old military camp,” Maité recalls very
slowly. She has tiny dreadlocks that hang down her slim face and a
silver ring in her nose – not the usual face of a First World War
victim. “It was July 6th, 1992. I knew nothing about war. I
remember we all built a fire using bricks round the outside and the
other kids starting throwing logs on it. I was tired and so I went a
few metres from the fire so I could sleep. Then there was a sudden
explosion – I woke up and saw sparks from the explosion. Everyone
was running and shouting and I tried to get up and I couldn’t.
Everyone was looking at me and I looked down – and I saw that my
left leg was hanging by a piece of skin.”
*** end quote ***
[JR: War has such terrible and long lasting "hangovers". Hope I can
avoid creating such "legacies". I'm sure my fellow alums aren't.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 29 2009 12:37 PM
MNews: MC get press coverage
Jasper juggernaut in ‘battle’ of Bx.
Last Updated: 5:27 AM, November 29, 2009
Posted: 2:56 AM, November 29, 2009
*** begin quote ***
Battle of the Bronx? It was more like a beatdown, a wire-to-wire 68-44
Manhattan rout of borough rival Fordham last night at Draddy Gym that
earned the Jaspers a three-game winning streak and the Rams a postgame
tongue-lashing from coach Dereck Whittenburg.
*** end quote ***
[JR: MC gets some press. Hard to draw students if you’re “invisible”.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 29 2009 1:37 PM
JFound: Wood, Jerome C. [MC1975]
Jerry Wood (Jerome C. Wood)
OCCUPATION: diversified financial services company executive
BORN: Seattle, 1953
BS in Accounting, Manhattan College, 1975
MBA, New York University, 1980
Trader fixed income division Morgan Stanley, 1978-1985, vice president,
1985-1987, principal, 1987-1992, managing director, 1992-2003, 2006-,
co-head institutional clients and services, 2007-; global co-head,
fixed income Credit Suisse First Boston, 2003-2005
Board directors Companions in Courage Foundation, 2007-
Married Monica R. Wood.
Office: Morgan Stanley 1585 Broadway New York New York 10036
# – # – #
Wood, Jerome C. [MC1975]
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* Posted on: Sun, Nov 29 2009 2:37 PM
JFound: Kessel, Richard E. [MC1971]
Richard E. Kessel
Pres & CEO, Board of Directors: Environmental Power Corporation
*** begin quote ***
Richard E. Kessel has been our President and Chief Executive Officer
since July 2006 and a member of our board since July 2006. From October
2003 to July 2006, Mr. Kessel was President and Chief Executive Officer
of Bedford Partners, a consulting firm assisting private equity firms
in acquiring energy, water, waste and other service related
enterprises. From July 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003, Mr. Kessel served
as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Suez Environment NA a
subsidiary of Suez Environment, an international company focused on
water, wastewater and waste services. In this capacity, he oversaw the
North America operations which were comprised of five companies
spanning the United States, Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico with over
9,200 employees, $1.3 billion in annual revenues and $1.5 billion in
assets. Mr. Kessel served as President and Chief Executive Officer of
Trigen Energy Corporation, an energy services company with $1 billion
in assets, $533 million in annual revenue and 34 operating facilities
in 22 states, from April 1, 2000 to June 30, 2002, after serving as its
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer from December 1993
to March 31, 2000. Previously, Mr. Kessel was President and Chief
Executive Officer of United Thermal Corporation (acquired by Trigen),
which owned and operated the district energy systems in Baltimore,
Boston, Philadelphia and St. Louis, and Chief Operating Officer of
Sithe Energies, Inc., a developer of independent power projects in the
United States and global markets. Mr. Kessel serves on the board of
directors of ISO New England, Inc., the operator of the New England
region’s bulk power system and wholesale electricity markets. Mr.
Kessel holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from Manhattan College,
completed the course work for a masters in finance from New York
University’s Stern School of Business and received an advanced
management degree from the Wharton School of Business Executive Program.
*** end quote ***
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Kessel, Richard E. [MC????]
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Dear John,
I believe that Richard is a member of the Class of 1971.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Kessel, Richard E. [MC1971]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 29 2009 3:37 PM
* Updated: Mon, Nov 30 2009 6:17 PM
JFound: Pearce, Gerard [MC1978]
Gerard Pearce
Vice President of Sales: Entone, Inc.
Gerry has spent nearly 30 years in the telecommunications industry and
nearly a decade of sales leadership experience in telco video
solutions, Gerry brings highly targeted IPTV experience to his new role
at Entone. Prior to joining Entone, Gerry was previously the Senior
Director of Sales at Motorola/NextLevel where he was responsible for
the IOC and municipality/utility markets. Before NextLevel, Gerry was a
founding partner and Vice President of Sales for Network Technology
Solutions, an engineering firm specializing in telecommunications
installations. Before that, Gerry held senior positions at Western
Electric and AT&T. Gerry holds a B.A. in Business Administration
from Manhattan College and an M.S. degree in Telecommunications and Computing Management from Polytechnic University.
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Pearce, Gerard [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Gerard is a member of the Class of 1978.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Pearce, Gerard [MC1978]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 29 2009 4:37 PM
* Updated: Mon, Nov 30 2009 6:17 PM
JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) reports on the Bronx Battle
Dear John,
As you reported, there was a buffet dinner before the
Manhattan – Fordham Game Saturday night, This was the first time
that the Alumni Society had sponsored such an event in the recent
years. It was a success! They were set up for 60 but there was an
overflow crowd, many showing up at the door without reservations.
Everyone was accommodated, but it served as a reminder of the need to
reserve a seat in advance,
The game itself was well attended considering the fact
that there were very few students on campus. The game was a blowout
with Manhattan leading from the opening tip off. A great time was had
by all.
[JR: glad to hear that, Mike. There was minimal advance notice. Glad it
worked out for all. I remember going to the rivalry game when I was in
grammar school. It was a big deal back in the day.]
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 29 2009 10:46 PM
JFound: Walsh, Meg [MC1979]
Meg Walsh
Sr VP-Consumer Mktg & Sls: Warwick Valley Telephone Co.
Meg Walsh joined WVT in March 2008 as Senior Vice President. She now
has responsibility for all Residential Marketing and Sales including
our broadband, video and media, including web content. In addition she
is responsible for our Yellow Pages directory publishing group.
Meg’s career began at NYNEX, where she gained an understanding of
utility infrastructure initially through positions in Outside Plant
Engineering, Regulatory, and Finance. Subsequent to the merger of NYNEX
with Bell Atlantic, Ms. Walsh moved to the Business Marketing and Sales
organization as the Director of Broadband and Wideband Products where
she had direct product development and revenue responsibility for the
entire footprint.
In 1999 she founded T21 Consulting Group (a Minority/Women Business
Enterprise), a firm providing Strategic Development, Marketing, and
Business Development to Clients across all sectors. WVT was a former
Meg’s academic credentials include a Bachelor of Engineering
(BE), a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), and a
Master’s in Engineering (ME) from Manhattan College (Bronx, NY) where she serves on the Alumni Council.
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Walsh, Meg [MC????]
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Dear John,
I believe that Meg received her BE in 1979. She is an active member of the Alumni Society.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Walsh, Meg [MC1979]
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* Posted on: Mon, Nov 30 2009 8:53 AM
* Updated: Wed, Dec 2 2009 1:57 PM
JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) chastizes the CIC
Dear John,
Your headline and the beginning of this story that you quote make it
sound like the bill would offer free-for-all abortions, which is not
the case. The jack-booted bishops and their allies came in and undid a
carefully crafted compromise that did not violate the principles of the
Hyde amendment but allowed people to pay for abortion coverage in an
otherwise federally-funded plan. We live in a plural society. Many
people do not believe that human life begins at conception. If you
don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one – but let
those who believe differently use their money as they wish.
I would have thought that this would be the libertarian position.
mike toner
BEE ‘72
Buffalo, NY
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[JR: The Libertarian position would be that there should be NO forced
taxation. Not like that is going to happen anytime soon. We can go into
other Libertarian thoughts from there. But, let's start from there. As
a taxpayer, it is abhorrent to be forced to pay for killing human
beings. (I don't support the war or capital punishment either.) There
is no way they can get away from the fact that this uses federal funds
to pay for abortions. Otherwise why does it have ANY connection to the
federally funded plan. They can squirm all they want but it does. And,
I don't want to pay for it. Make the taxes voluntary, and see how much
they collect! Us libertarians would like nothing better if EVERYONE
could spend their money anyway they want. Sorry if I've disappointed
you. It's not about beliefs; it's about force.]
Toner, Mike (MC1972)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Nov 30 2009 3:06 PM
JEmail: Breen, Jerry (MC1971) offers a Jasper discount
John: This to let you (and all the Jaspers out there) know that, for
the Christmas shopping season, I’m offering Jaspers a special
discount of 40% off my regular price of $500 for a medium-sized
portrait painting. Now I can do a painting of one person about 16 by 20
inches to 18 by 24 inches in size for just $300. Or you can get a gift
caricature at prices starting at $60 each, depending on the size and
number of people in the caricature. Here are some samples of my
portraits and caricatures of the famous and not-so-famous. For more
info, contact me at 410-683-1562 or newbreen@comcast.net . And please
check out my website at www.newbreen.com or www.jerrybreen.com to see
more of my artwork. Thanks, Jerry Breen MC’71

[JR: Always glad to get a price break for our fellow alums.]
[JR: FYI, Included one only due to space constraints.]
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* Posted on: Mon, Nov 30 2009 6:12 PM
JFound: Mannarino, Al [MC1982] speaks on Wed 12/9 11 PT
Discover the best way to ensure secure data protection for your applications: Embarcadero InterBase SMP 2009
*** begin quote ***
Don’t miss this live event!
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Time: 11:00 AM PT/ 2:00 PM ET
Duration: 1 hour
Speaker: Al Mannarino, Embarcadero Technologies
Who Should Attend:
Developers and database professionals looking to enhance the security and performance of their applications.
*** and ***
About the Speaker:
Al Mannarino is currently a Lead Systems Engineer and Evangelist for
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. He has more than 25 years of software
development experience, including object-oriented analysis and design
(OOAD) and developing and deploying production applications. Prior to
joining Embarcadero, Al spent three years working with CodeGear, a
division of Borland that was acquired by Embarcadero in 2008. He also
worked five years as a Lead Systems Engineer for Borland helping to
sell application lifecycle management, software delivery optimization
and developer tools solutions. Prior to Borland, Al was a Systems
Engineer for Objectivity, Versant, Red Brick Systems, Information
Builders, and an Electrical Engineer with Grumman Aerospace where he
performed real application implementations on complex
electrical-mechanical systems. Al has a Bachelor’s of Science
degree in Electrical Engineering from Manhattan College.
*** end quote ***
Mannarino, Al [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Al is a member of the Class of 1982.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Mannarino, Al [MC1982]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Nov 30 2009 11:04 PM
* Updated: Wed, Dec 2 2009 1:57 PM
JFound: Kiernan, Peter P. [MC????]
Peter P. Kiernan
Sr VP-Prof Svcs: PROS Holdings, Inc.
Mr. Kiernan joined PROS in 1992 after the end of operations at Pan Am.
Over his twenty-five years with Pan Am, Mr. Kiernan developed extensive
experience and expertise in all aspects of revenue management. His
various responsibilities over the years included interline payables and
receivables and the development of related support systems, sales
accounting, quality control, development of an automated fare quotation
system, and management of the fare quote function. As Staff Vice
President of Revenue Management, he was responsible for the
airline’s revenue enhancement effort and the integration of
revenue management systems to support this effort.
At PROS, Mr. Kiernan is in charge of all corporate efforts in the area
of customer support across all industries, including project planning
and management, consulting in various aspects of revenue management and
systems implementation, including site reviews, analysis, training,
system testing, and system validation.
Mr. Kiernan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Manhattan College.
# – # – #
Kiernan, Peter P. [MC????]
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* Posted on: Tue, Dec 1 2009 8:57 AM
JObit: Jasper Obit: Badois, Richard J. (Dick) [MC1956 RIP]
Richard J. Badois (Dick)
Badois, Richard J. (Dick) age 75, of New Hope, passed away on Nov. 28,
2009. Preceded in death by infant daughter Beth Ann and his parents
George and Margaret. He will be missed by his beloved wife of 52 years
Ellen; children Michele (Tom) Barry, Lisa Jennings, Rick, and Ken;
grandchildren Natasha, Elias, Brianna, Michael, Tanner, David, Denee,
Destinee, Melissa, and Devyn; great grandson Daveon; brother Paul (Sue)
of Cape Cod, MA. Dick graduated from Manhattan College
in 1956. He served in the Army from 1957-1959. Dick worked for IBM for
17 years and Control Data for 16 years. After retiring, he served
countless hours volunteering with PRISM, St. Joseph’s Parish
Community, Feed the Homeless, and as President of the Retirement Club
for Control Data. Most of all, Dick enjoyed spending time with his
family and especially watching his grandchildren in their many
activities. Memorial Mass will be 10:30 am Thursday at St.
Joseph’s Parish Center, 36th and Boone Ave N, New Hope, with
visitation after 9:30. Private interment. In lieu of flowers, memorials
are preferred to PRISM, 730 Florida Ave S., Golden Valley, MN 55426.
Gearty Delmore Plymouth 763-553-1411
Published in Star Tribune on December 1, 2009
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Badois, Richard J. (Dick) [MC1956 RIP]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/yd8jdx6
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Dec 2 2009 4:14 AM
JBlogger: Cetinski, Andreas [MC1992]
andreas cetinski
my first official original single called “I Can Feel
You, Baby” will be on iTunes August 21st, 2009.
singer/songwriter/guitarist/musician my first cd of original songs
comin in the fall 2009, my website
andreascetinski.com……….. see my music videos at:
BS Marketing (Manhattan College)
MS Science, Physical Therapy, (NY Medical College)/ Paramedic
(Westchester Community College) (currently) paid firefighter in NY
State, don’t want to give out too much personnel info ;-) so i
will let you guess which city, not NYC/ owner of a 45 year-old business
that was handed down to me by my father, Adi’s Smoked Meats,
website, adissmokedmeats.com/ snowboarder and student of Gracie Jiu
Jitsu(one of the most beautiful and effective self defense fighting
styles ever created imo) greatest achievement in my life: proud uncle
of many nieces and nephews, they are my life, my thoughts, they are the
driving force behind everything i do, they may not know this, but i do
what i do to show them what is possible in life, never be afraid to do
anything in life, go for it, live it, don’t dream the dream, live
the dream ;-)
# – # – #
Cetinski, Andreas [MC????]
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that Andreas is a member of the Class of 1992.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Cetinski, Andreas [MC1992]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Dec 2 2009 4:06 PM
* Updated: Thu, Dec 3 2009 4:38 PM
JObit: Leahy, Robert E. [MC1958 RIP]
LEAHY, Robert E.
July 1, 1936 – Nov. 29, 2009
A resident of Sacramento since 2002, Robert E. Leahy died on November
29, 2009, following complications from a stroke. A native of Babylon,
N.Y., Colonel Leahy was a graduate of Manhattan College
and the University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry. He retired from
the U.S. Army after 22 years as a dental surgeon. He was a graduate of
the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College and elected to
Master in the Academy of General Dentistry. His army tours of duty
included postings at Ft. Sam Houston, Ft. Bliss, Ft. Ord, Aberdeen
Proving Ground, Ft. Jackson, Walter Reed, and in Germany and Okinawa.
Also, Colonel Leahy served with a mobile unit surgical team in support
of the 82nd Airborne Division in Viet Nam. An avid outdoorsman, Colonel
Leahy enjoyed waterfowl hunting, saltwater fishing, and gardening. His
indoor hobbies included reading, building model ships, painting
landscapes, and cooking. Colonel Leahy is survived by his wife of 32
years, Dr. Rita B. Leahy, brother Frank G. Leahy, and nieces Elizabeth
Meehan, Susan Musa and Claire Landolfi. A requiem Mass will be held at
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Clarksburg on Saturday, December
5, at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that
donations be made to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
Published in the The Sacramento Bee on December 4, 2009
# – # – #
Leahy, Robert E. [MC???? RIP]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/yj24gdb
# # # # #
Dear John,
I believe that the Colonel is a member of the Class of 1958.
May He Rest In Peace.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Leahy, Robert E. [MC1958 RIP]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Dec 4 2009 9:31 AM
* Updated: Fri, Dec 4 2009 5:43 PM
JObit: Young, Ralph P. [MC???? RIP]
Ralph P. Young of St. Charles The funeral Mass for Ralph P. Young will
be held at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 7, at St. Patrick Crane Road Church,
6N491 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175. Visitation will be from 4 to 8
p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6, at the Norris Funeral Home, 100 S. Third St.
(three blocks west of the Fox River and one block south of Route 64),
St. Charles, and from 10:30 a.m. until the time of Mass on Monday, at
the church. Born in Middletown, N.Y., the son of Ralph and Ellen (nee
O’Connell) Young, he died Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009, at Lutheran
General Hospital in Park Ridge, surrounded by his loving family. After
graduating from Manhattan College
in Riverdale, N.Y., Ralph served in the Army and was a decorated
Vietnam veteran. He earned his MBA in marketing and worked as a senior
vice president in the financial industry for many years. Ralph is
survived by his beloved wife, Janice; his children, Catherine Young,
Megan Young and Michael Young, all of Chicago; his sister, Mary (Paul)
Costantino of Rochester, N.Y.; and a large extended family who all love
and will miss him very much. He was preceded in death by his parents;
and his brother, Robert Young. Contributions in Mr. Young’s
memory may be made to the American Cancer Society, 143 First St.,
Batavia, IL 60510 or TUG (Tri-City Unemployment Group) P. O. Box 3850,
St. Charles, IL 60174. For information, 630-584-2000 or visit
# – # – #
Young, Ralph P. [MC???? RIP]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/y8gjtg9
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* Posted on: Sat, Dec 5 2009 10:55 AM
JEmail: Khury, Maria (MC1977) MCLAC 12/19
FACEBOOK email from Maria Khury
Holiday Network Event
We have had several events at IBIZA and have enjoyed the night! Our
last event was on April 2009 when we honored the Class of 2009.
Let’s get together and celebrate the Holidays on December 19, 2009.
Hope to meet and mingle with many of you. Thanks to
Jessica,Bianca,Yonesy, Elaine White of Student Activity, and Tom
McCarthy from the Alumni Society.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Dec 5 2009 11:00 AM
JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) reports a story about the MC phenom
Dear John,
The December 3, 2009 Edition of Catholic New York has a nice story about Freshman Center Kevin Laue, at page 17.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. MC certain is getting a lot of mostly good press from the fellow.]
# – # – #
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Dec 5 2009 12:15 PM
Comment on JBlogger: Briscoe, Tom (MC1968) is TennisTitan
By Ron Bodigheimer
For TB – I played tennis once then sat down until the feeling
past. Had a great time! Someone called out “love” and I
said OK but I didn’t know it was coed until just then. Great game!
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Dec 1 2009 1:14 PM
Comment on JFound: Cummings, Richard [MC1971] NC nip ‘n’ tuck
By Jerry Mabem
Are They double board certified by the American of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery?.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Dec 2 2009 1:17 AM
ENDNOTE: Today’s debt rooted in the FED and gold
Spitting on the Boomers’ Financial Legacy
By Bill Bonner
*** begin quote ***
They ruined it. The financial industry took over…replacing
manufacturing. Instead of making things we could sell at a profit, Wall
Street sold debt – mostly to us! In government, imperial
ambitions pushed aside the restraints and good sense of the old
republic. Overseas, military bases were set up in 120 countries. We now
have unwinnable, trillion-dollar wars that could go on forever. At
home, the sheep look to the government to solve every problem.
Thirty-five million Americans – almost as many as the entire
population of Spain – depend on the feds’ food stamp
program for their daily bread.
*** and ***
And day after day, the debt builds up. Soon, it will be too big to
handle. And then, these same young people – who can’t get a
foot onto the lowest rung of the employment ladder – will be
asked to shoulder this huge burden of debt left to them by their
parents. You can imagine their reaction…
…they will spit on our graves!
*** end quote ***
[JR: Well, if they do, they should spare some spit for the Americans of
the early 1913 that allowed the FED to be created and those of 1932
that took us off the gold standard. Today's disaster is a direct result
of those two key events.]
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* Posted on: Sat, Dec 5 2009 6:37 PM
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"Bon courage a vous tous"
"Dona Nobis Pacem"