JASPER JOTTINGS Week 08 - 2010 February 21

Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College

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POSITRACTION: Potential life, and the great moral quandary


Fla. woman fights ruling that kept her in hospital
Jan 26, 7:04 AM (ET)

*** begin quote ***

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Samantha Burton wanted to leave the hospital. Her doctor strongly disagreed, enough to go to court to keep her there.

She smoked cigarettes during the first six months of her pregnancy and was admitted on a false alarm of premature labor. Her doctor argued she was risking a miscarriage if she didn’t quit smoking immediately and stay on bed rest in the hospital, and a judge agreed.

Three days after the judge ordered her not to leave the hospital, Burton delivered a stillborn fetus by cesarian-section.

*** and ***

The judge ruled the best interests of the fetus overrode Burton’s privacy rights, but Abrams disputes that. He notes the Florida Constitution, unlike its federal counterpart, has an explicit and strong privacy right, which the state Supreme Court has said guarantees a competent person the right to “choose or refuse medical treatment.”

“If you apply the best interest of the child standard, the woman becomes nothing more than a fetal incubator owned by the state of Florida,” Abrams said.

*** end quote ***

[JR: There we have it: the woman, the embryo - fetus - potential life - child, and the great moral quandary. When does it begin; when does it end. When and how does "society" protect it? And, what is the role of society's stupid clumsy "servant", government, in it? My fellow alums, smarter than I, will have to figure this out. It's not going away soon. Happy Saint Valentine's Day. Wonder what he'd think?]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Feb 14 2010 12:37 PM

JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Brennan, Sean [MC1997]

From: McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
Date: February 14, 2010 12:30:44 AM EST
To: Jasperfjohn68
Subject: Brennan, Sean, 1997

Dear John,

   I believe that Sean is a member of the Class of 1997.


[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Feb 14 2010 1:06 PM

JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Healy, Edward J. [MC1963 RIP]

From: McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
Date: February 14, 2010 12:25:40 AM EST
To: Jasperfjohn68
Subject: Healy, Edward J., 1963 RIP

Dear John,

   I believe that Ed is a member of the Class of 1963.

   May He Rest In Peace.


[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Feb 14 2010 1:15 PM

JEmail: Apoldo, Lou (MC1963) defends Jerry’s cartoons

Response to Ray Lodato on his critique of Jerry Breen’s Obama cartoon:

This is a classical Chciago-style response that is straight out of Saul Aulinsky’s “Rules For Radicals.” When one cannot dispute the facts or the real issues, Aulinsky recommends attacking the messenger or the method used to transmit the message, as an left-handed means for responding to the allegations. Ray Lodato is challenging Breen’s right (or even the appropriateness) to use Jasper Jottings as a conduit for criticizing President Obama, since Ray claims that we should keep politics out of Jasper Jottings. However, in the next sentence of his message, Ray very clearly takes a shot at Bush and Cheney and the “right-wingers” that he obviously opposes. I find this to be not only hypocritical, but un-American, since he apparently only wants to stiffle Jerry Breen’s ability to express “right-wing” opinions in Jasper Jottings, while maintaining his own ability to use the Jottings to attack the “right-wing.” Further, since Ray Lodato’s class and school at Manhattan was not stated in his message, I suggest that Jasper Jottings check the alumni directory to confirm that he really is a Jasper. Based on the fuzzy logic and Chicago-style attack he used in his response, he just might be one of those victims of Outcome-Based Education from one of those Jesuit institiutions, who was awarded gooferment “Stimulus funds” to attack Jerry Breen’s cartoon.

Lou Apoldo
Civil Engineering ‘63

[JR: I'll refer the status to the resident expert on all things Jasper, McEneney, Mike (MC1953)! As Jefferson says about the remedy "... ... more free speech." Although I did laugh at the comment about the use of stimulus money. And, remember Jerry has a track record of infuriating everyone sooner or later.]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Feb 14 2010 5:18 PM

JEmail: Toner. Michael (MC1972) knows about SU

From: Michael Toner (MC1972)
Date: February 14, 2010 12:47:45 PM EST
To: Distribute_Jasper_Jottings-owner
Subject: Re: [Distribute_Jasper_Jottings] JASPER JOTTINGS Week 07 – 2010 February 14

>Dear John,    I was not aware that Syracuse was a Jesuit institution?   Mike

John, I am pretty sure that Syracuse University had a Protestant (Presbyterian, maybe) affiliation at its founding (1870) – the campus location was known as “Piety Hill”. Not sure when it ended but there has been no religious affiliation for quite some time.

OTOH – there is a Jesuit college in Syracuse – LeMoyne College

mike toner
MC BEE ‘72
SU MS ‘73

[JR: Hey, close enuf, for a low index injineer.]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Feb 14 2010 5:28 PM

MFound: Veryzer, star at MC in the forties


Former Met of the Day: Long Islander Tom Veryzer (1982-1983)

Thomas Martin Veryzer was a local boy born on February 11, 1953 in Port Jefferson, New York. Tom’s father was a basketball star at Manhattan College in the Bronx in the forties.

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    * Posted on: Mon, Feb 15 2010 8:27 AM

JObit: Byrnes, Christopher I. [MC1971 RIP]

Chris Byrnes, former dean of engineering, dies at 60

February 14, 2010

Christopher I. Byrnes, Ph.D., dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis from 1991 to 2006 and the Edward H. and Florence G. Skinner Professor Emeritus of Systems Science and Mathematics, died unexpectedly last week in Stockholm, Sweden. He was 60.

Byrnes, a resident of Ballwin, Mo., was a distinguished visiting professor in optimization and systems theory at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm at the time of his death.

“I was very saddened to learn of the passing of Christopher Byrnes,” said Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton. “He was a noted scholar, research collaborator, and academic leader, and he will be missed by many people whose lives he touched.”

Byrnes joined the WUSTL faculty in 1989 as professor of systems and control and chair of the Department of Systems Science and Control. He became the eighth dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science on July 15, 1991, succeeding James M. McKelvey, Ph.D. He once described the deanship as “the best job in St. Louis.”

Under Byrnes’ leadership, the school’s endowment increased from $54 million to $185 million. Endowed professorships increased from nine to 37.

Two convictions guided him as dean: “The world is becoming more technologically advanced, not less and the world is becoming more global, not less.” With those doctrines in mind, he initiated a strategic planning process for the school to position it for a leadership position in the changing environment.

Recognizing the role the transistor and understanding of DNA would play in the future, the school chose four areas of emphasis: computers and communication; biomedical engineering; environmental engineering; and materials science and engineering.

Salvatore P. Sutera, Ph.D., the current interim dean, remembers how exciting it was to participate in this fundamental shift in the engineering curriculum. “Shortly after Chris became dean in 1991, he began leading the school’s faculty through intensive planning for the 21st century (Project 21). At that time I was well along in my conversion to biomedical engineering. “ (Sutera, who had served under Chris as chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and founding chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering is now a senior professor of biomedical engineering.) “The designs of a new department and an interschool graduate program emerged and, in 1996, we founded the new Department of Biomedical Engineering, an approved BS curriculum, and the Institute of Biological and Medical Engineering. It was an exciting experience and, one that benefited the school tremendously.“

Byrnes’ field of scholarship was systems science and control. Among his research interests were feedback design in automatic control, nonlinear dynamics and control, and statistical estimation and filtering. His research found application in electrical power systems, signal processing and speech synthesis, among other areas. He held four U.S. patents and received more than $5 million in competitively awarded grants.

Raised in the Bronx during the ‘50s and ‘60s by a stay-at-home mom and city-bus-driver dad, Byrnes earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Manhattan College in 1971.

He saw his first computer as a freshman at Manhattan College. “It was as big as a house, and I wanted to see how it worked,“ he once said. While still an undergraduate, he worked briefly as an economic forecaster for the United Nations, troubleshooting lines of computer code. He turned down the offer of a permanent position, however, to continue his education.

Byrnes earned a master’s degree and a doctorate, also in mathematics, from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst in 1973 and 1975, respectively. He began his academic career as an instructor of mathematics at the University of Utah in 1975.

Byrnes joined the Harvard University faculty in 1978 as an assistant professor and was promoted in 1983 to associate professor. He also taught at Arizona State University, where he founded the Center for Systems Engineering Research. At various times, he held visiting appointments at institutions in Europe, Japan and the former Soviet Union, as well as in the United States.

Byrnes was awarded an honorary doctor of technology degree by Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology in 1998. He was an adjunct professor at the institute from 1986 to 1990 and a visiting professor in 1985, 1991, and 2001. In 2001, Byrnes was installed as a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

A fellow of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Byrnes won many best-paper awards, including the George Axelby Prize, which he received twice, and an award from the International Federation for Automatic Control.

In 2005 he received the W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize for excellence in the field of differential equations and control theory, and in 2008 he won the IEEE Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize for fundamental contributions to algebraic and geometric approaches to systems and control. He was the author or editor of several hundred technical articles and books.

Byrnes served on many civic, corporate and professional boards and worked to develop incubators and technology alliances in the St. Louis area. He chaired both the Center for Emerging Technologies, a nationally recognized nonprofit incubator for start up companies, and the Gateway Technology Alliance, an alliance of more than 250 biotech and information technology companies. He once said of St. Louis, “There is no reason St. Louis can’t be as well known for our technology as Singapore,” since the city and the nation have comparable populations.

While he was dean, 17 companies were formed to commercialize the ideas of the faculty and staff of the School of Engineering & Applied Science.

Byrnes is survived by his wife Renee; his daughters Kathleen, now studying medicine at Tulane University in New Orleans, La.; and Alison, a student at Duke University in Durham, N.C.; and a son, Christopher, Jr., who attends Chaminade High School in St. Louis.

“Chris made me laugh every single day,” Renee said.”He was the most wonderful conversationalist I’ve ever known, and he could to anyone at any level. I feel very honored to have been part of his life even for the short time we had.”

Arrangements for a memorial service are pending.

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Byrnes, Christopher I. [MC1971 RIP]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Feb 15 2010 8:40 AM

JFound: Lynch, Patrick J. [MC1976]


Lynch, Patrick J. [MC1976]
Director – Insurance Operations at Links Insurance Services LLC
Greater New York City Area

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    * Posted on: Mon, Feb 15 2010 8:56 AM

JEmail: Dossantos, Tony [MC1981] ided by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)


Tony Dossantos

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Dear John,

   I believe that Tony is a member of the Class of 1981.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Dossantos, Tony [MC1981]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Feb 15 2010 9:49 AM

JEmail: Vuckovic, Milos [MC2010] ided by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)


Milos: I am student of Manhattan College in New York City and also member of Manhattan College Track and Field team.

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Dear John,

   I believe that Milos is a member of the Class of 2010.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Vuckovic, Milos [MC2010]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Feb 15 2010 10:00 AM

JObit: Flannery, John J. [MC1951 RIP]


Mr. John J. Flannery

John J. Flannery, 84, a family man and sheet metal contractor, died on February 12, 2010, in the comfort of his West Palm Beach, Florida home surrounded by his loving family.

Jack, as he was known to his family and friends, was born in the Bronx, NY on Dec. 2, 1925; where he attended St. Angela Merici Grammar School and met his best friend and future wife of 60 years, Loretta Burke. Shortly after graduating from Cardinal Hayes H.S. in the Bronx, he enlisted in the Navy in Oct.1943 where he served as Signalman First Class during WWII.

He earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Manhattan College in June, 1951. And later obtained his license to practice Civil Engineering from the University of the State of NY, where he met his future business partner and life-long friend, Paul Tone.

In May, 1958, Jack went into the sheet metal business with Paul and formed J.J. Flannery Inc., which became one of the largest sheet metal contracting firms in NYC. Jack, a well respected, honest and straight-forward man was proud of the many projects they worked on during their 35 years in business, including Trump Tower, the AT&T Building, and the renovations of the Statue of Liberty, Carnegie Hall; Avery Fisher Hall, Wollman Skating Rink, Radio City Music Hall, and Federal Reserve Bank of NY. He designed and installed the fire-damper protection system for One and Two World Trade Center buildings. Jack helped pioneer the technology of stairwell pressurization that is currently used in high-rise buildings and skyscrapers throughout the building industry.

His many accomplishments include: seven years as President of The Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors Assn of NYC.; Chairman of the Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No.28 Joint Apprentice Committee and Trust; was recognized in 1988 for his outstanding participation in the Israel Bond Program which helped strengthen the economy of the State of Israel; and in 2006, was inducted into the SMACNA College of Fellows. An avid golfer, he was a member of Forest Hill Field Club in Belleville, NJ for over 25 years and served as President from 1984-1988.

Jack had accomplished much in his 84 years, but he would be the first to say that his greatest accomplishment of all was raising his 12 children with his wife Loretta in their Upper Montclair, NJ home. As a devoted family man and member of the community for over 35 years, he was involved in many local and church activities. In 1990, they relocated to Palm Beach Gardens, Fl, where they became active members of the Ballen Isles Country Club and St. Patrick’s Church.

He is survived by his wife, Loretta; his children, Michael, Jack, Eileen, Mary, Loretta, Fr. Patrick, Mark, Stephen, Rita, Maureen, Matthew and Andrew; 18 grandchildren; 1 great granddaughter; his brother Daniel and sister-in-law, Lillian; and many extended family and friends.

Services will be held on Tuesday, February 16 at the Howard-Price Funeral Home, from 2pm – 4pm and 7pm – 9pm. Mass will take place on Wednesday, February 17 at St. Patrick’s Church, 13591 Prosperity Farms Road, Palm Beach Gardens FL at 10am. He will receive a full military burial at the VA Cemetery in Lake Worth, FL. In lieu of flowers, a donation may be sent to Hospice of the Palm Beach County, 5300 East Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407.

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Flannery, John J. [MC1951 RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/gb2/default.aspx?bookid=12180666963268

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    * Posted on: Mon, Feb 15 2010 11:17 AM

JFound: Donodeo, John F. [MC2006]


Donodeo, John F. [MC2006]
Compliance/Risk Analyst at Credit Suisse
Greater New York City Area

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    * Posted on: Tue, Feb 16 2010 8:31 AM

JEmail: Lodato, Ray [MC1984] ided by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Ray Lodato made the comment about Jerry's cartoons. He is a Jasper.]

From: McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
Date: February 16, 2010 5:36:41 PM EST
To: Jasperfjohn68
Subject: Ray Lodato, 1984

Dear John,

   I believe that Ray received his BA degree with the Class of 1984.


[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

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Lodato, Ray [MC1984]

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    * Posted on: Tue, Feb 16 2010 7:51 PM

JObit: Lewis, Ralph J. [MC1954 RIP]



LEWIS–Dr. Ralph J., 77, Prominent Thoracic Surgeon. Dr Ralph J. Lewis, of Basking Ridge, NJ, a loving husband, father and grandfather and a prominent thoracic surgeon, peacefully passed away at home surrounded by his loving family on February 15, 2010 of advanced cancer.

Dr Lewis spent his whole professional career caring for and helping others. He made enormous contributions to the field of thoracic surgery. He was a graduate of Manhattan College and Cornell University Medical School. He completed his surgical training at New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center and opened his surgical practice in New Jersey in the mid 1960’s.

During his career, Dr Lewis participated in the development of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School where he became a clinical professor of thoracic surgery. Dr Lewis was also Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, St Peter’s University Hospital and Somerset Medical Center. He served as president of the NJ Society of Thoracic Surgeons and was a member of the American College of Surgeons, the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons in which he held numerous offices. As an innovative surgeon, Dr Lewis made many contributions to the field of Thoracic Surgery.

He published original works in peer reviewed medical journals and surgical textbooks and he developed surgical techniques and surgical instruments. Dr Lewis was a pioneer in the surgical technique “VATS”, (Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery) which resulted in far less pain for the patient, quicker recovery with shorter hospital stays and speedier return to work. This is one of the new surgical techniques currently used in thoracic surgery worldwide today. Dr Lewis taught and performed his surgical techniques at many national and international medical centers. Prominent surgeons came to New Brunswick, NJ, from throughout the US and abroad to enroll in courses which he taught on VATS. Patients also traveled from various areas to benefit from these techniques.

Dr Lewis received many prestigious medical awards and honors from countries in Europe, Asia and South America. He received NJ Pride Award as well as “America’s Best Doctors” award. He retired from surgery in 2000 but remained active and continued to publish in the field of thoracic surgery.

Dr Lewis had a long and distinguished career in surgery, but he always said his greatest accomplishment in life was enjoying his loving family. He made it a priority to attend his six children’s activities as frequently as possible and to participate in their daily lives. This, he felt, developed a sound and strong relationship with his family.

Dr Lewis is survived by his loving wife of 50 years, Pat, whom he met at New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center where she was a nurse. He remained devoted to her his entire life. He leaves behind his six children who were his pride and joy, who will miss very much. Deirdre Lewis Bichsel and her husband Rick, of Cranbury, NJ; Tom Lewis and his wife Ann of Lawrenceville, NJ; Kimberly Lewis Roswech and her husband John of Chester, NJ; Paul Lewis and his wife Micheline of Asbury, NJ; Peter Lewis and his wife Danette of Peapack, NJ; and Greg Lewis and his wife Lauren of Summit, NJ. Dr Lewis also leaves behind 17 grandchildren who adored their grandpa. They are: Meredith, Whitney, Jonathan, Kylie and Helen Bichsel; Brad, Parker and Gwyneth Lewis; Connor and Megan Roswech; Matthew, Madeleine, Morgan and Mikaela Lewis; Mason and Logan Lewis; and Alexandra Lewis.

Visitation will be held at Gallaway and Crane Funeral Home, 101 South Finley Ave, Basking Ridge, NJ on Wednesday February 17, 2010 2-4 and 6-8pm. Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, 1890 Washington Valley Road, Martinsville, NJ on Thursday February 18, 2010 at 10am. Those planning an expression of sympathy may make a memorial contribution in Dr Ralph Lewis’s name to: Weill Cornell Medical College Scholarship Fund Class of 1958 Box 123, 1300 York Ave NY, NY 10065 or Compassionate Care Hospice, 140 Littleton Road, Suite 200, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

Published in New York Times on February 17, 2010

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Lewis, Ralph J. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/yf7r25c

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Dear John,

   I believe that Ralph is a member of the Class of 1954.

   May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Lewis, Ralph J. [MC1954 RIP]

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    * Posted on: Wed, Feb 17 2010 4:50 AM

JObit: Mirabito, Bart J. [MC1952 RIP]


Bart J. Mirabito

Mr. Bart J. Mirabito, age 88, of Southbury passed peacefully on Saturday, February 13th.

Mr. Mirabito was born in the Bronx, NY. After graduating from Manhattan College and serving in the U.S. Army, Bart raised five children; Peter, Thomas, Anne, Paul, and John. He also obtained a Master’s Degree in finance from NYU and went on to complete a successful 35 year career with the Union Carbide Corporation.

In addition to being a hard working devoted father, Bart was a loving husband to wife Annette Mirabito of 61 years. He was predeceased by his daughter, Anne and is survived by wife Annette, and four sons, Peter, Thomas, Paul and John; and eight grand children.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday, February 20, at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church, Southbury. Burial will follow in Rockland Cemetery, Sparkill, NY. Friends may call at the Southbury Funeral Home of Munson-Lovetere, 235 Main St. North, on Friday February 19th from 4 to 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in his memory to Salesian Missions (2 Lefevre Lane New Rochelle, NY 10801 (www.salesianmission.org.) To send an online condolence, please visit www.munsonloveterefuneralhome.com.

Published in News Times on February 17, 2010

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Mirabito, Bart J. [MC1952 RIP]

Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/yf3lrke

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Dear John,

   I believe that Bart is a member of the Class of 1952.

   May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Mirabito, Bart J. [MC1952 RIP]

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    * Posted on: Wed, Feb 17 2010 5:00 AM

JFound: Lai, Pedick [MC2005] Engineer at NYCDEP


Lai, Pedick [MC2005]
Engineer at NYCDEP
Greater New York City Area

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    * Posted on: Wed, Feb 17 2010 6:37 AM

MFound: MC Gaelic Society raise money for cancer cure


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Relay for Life link
To members of Manhattan College Gaelic Society
Kevin Duffy
February 17 at 9:13am

*** begin quote ***

Hey everyone,

The following is the link for the Relay for Life team. All you have to do is click on it and then click join team.


Thank you

*** end quote ***

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2010 Relay For Life of Manhattan College NY

Saturday, April 10th from 3 pm to Sunday, April 11th at 3 am at Draddy

Our Reason to Relay

Fighting cancer is a team effort. The impact we can make together is much greater than what any of us could do alone.

At the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, our team will camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track to raise money and awareness to help the American Cancer Society save more lives from cancer. By joining or donating to our team, you will be a part of a life-changing event that gives everyone in the community a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much.

Please make a donation, or join our team and help us create a world where cancer can no longer claim another year of anyone’s life.

If you would like to make a donation to an individual team member, please click on their name within the Team Roster below.

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To donate, under the banner of the Manhattan College Gaelic Society


in case the long link breaks: (why do people insist on using them?)


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    * Posted on: Wed, Feb 17 2010 10:00 AM

JFound: LoPinto, Lidia (MC1975) New Software Product


New Software Product Helps Businesses Avoid Fines By Meeting OSHA Requirements To Post Warning Signs In Any Language
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

*** begin quote ***

Lidia LoPinto, a chemical engineer graduate of Manhattan College, started her career working in wastewater and the chemical processing industry. “There were just too many accidents. When I first started working as a chemical process engineer, I was sitting at a meeting, waiting to discuss the process of the plant just across the street, on a Monday morning, and the plant manager was late. Someone came in to tell us he was killed over the weekend trying to save a worker who was set on fire in an explosion! We were all shocked, no one moved. There was an eerie silence in the room. I then was later assigned the grim task of analyzing accidents, some of them completely unnecessary, such as the case of the two workers who died inside a tank filled with odorless and clear Nitrogen or the phosphorus fire that killed other workers. At wastewater plants, where I often contracted to write operating and safety manuals, there are still accidents when workers walk into confined areas with sewer gas, or chlorine leaks. The bulky manuals did not prevent these unnecessary accidents.

*** end quote ***

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LoPinto, Lidia (MC1975)

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    * Posted on: Wed, Feb 17 2010 11:35 PM

JNews: Mariani, Paul [MC????] lecture at Dominican U IL on 3/23


Dominican University presents lecture on poetry and imagination
2/17/2010 – 11:42 AM PST

Catholic PRWire

*** begin quote ***

RIVER FOREST, IL (February 17, 2010) – Dominican University’s Siena Center will present a lecture titled “What the Blind Beseeching Eye Has Found: Poetry and the Sacramental Imagination” by Paul Mariani, author of Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Life. The lecture will be held Tuesday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Priory Campus Auditorium, 7200 W. Division Street, River Forest.

Mariani, a poet and biographer of poets, will lead an evening of poetry and reflection on the sacramental possibilities of the poetic imagination. Mariani earned his bachelor’s degree from Manhattan College, a master’s degree from Colgate University, and a PhD from the City University of New York. He has published over 200 essays and reviews and is the author of 16 books, including five biographies and six volumes of poetry. His awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts, and two National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships. In 2009 he received the John Ciardi Award for Lifetime Achievement in Poetry.

Admission to the lecture is $10. For more information on Dominican University’s Siena Center, please call (708) 714-9105 or visit www.siena.dom.edu.

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Mariani, Paul [MC????]

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   * Posted on: Wed, Feb 17 2010 11:50 PM

MNews: a big foam representation of Brother Jasper


*** begin quote ***

School Spirit. Give the Manhattan crowd credit: They remained lively well into the second half even though their team was getting manhandled. (The sizable contingent of Stags fans, by the way, matched their enthusiasm and then some.) Manhattan doesn’t have a mascot — though we see no reason there shouldn’t be a giant foam representation of Brother Jasper of Mary, the university’s onetime baseball coach, prefect of discipline, and possible inventor of the seventh-inning stretch, for whom the teams are named — but they do have cheerleaders, a dance squad, and a band. In general, we were kind of astounded by how much of the goings on resembled a high-school game, and not just because of the layout of the venue: The softball team sold 50/50 raffle tickets to raise money, the dance team sold team calendars to raise money (they presumably got this idea from Zach Morris), and bunches of green and white balloons provided some low-budget décor. Score: 6/10.

*** end quote ***

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Great Brother Jasper’s Ghost!!!

I think he’s onto something.

While a big foam representation of Brother Jasper might be fun, I’m sure the Brothers would see it as disrespectful. And, the crowd would be impacted, he was after all the Prefect of Discipline. Not a fan of rowdy or “edgy” students.

But, maybe we do need a “Jasper”, like the RU Scarlett Knight, or the WVU Mountain Man.

Now, what would a Jasper carry?

A beer and a slide rule?


Maybe MC will commission Jerry to create one. Or, license Jasperman?

Many a true word is said in jest!

Bet a lot of alums would pay to see that!

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    * Posted on: Thu, Feb 18 2010 4:53 AM

JNews: Cicuto, Sarah (MC2010) has an item


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Cicuto, Sarah (MC2010)

“For shame, Manhattan College. Seriously? Read the Quadrangle.”

[JR: The Q is off-line. So we'll have to wait for someone to report the latest outrage. Bad food? Bugs? Or snow?]

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Sarah Cicuto commented on her status:

“Maybe I should be more clear. For shame Manhattan College, for letting people be so uneducated about certain issues. The other guy, while entitled to his own opinion, should prooooobably reconsider insulting an entire group of people in a public manner. “

“Although I know it’s not MC’s fault (loveee you, MC), I’d like to think that there is a reason for people’s opinions to be so harsh. I know Just Peace tries it’s hardest!!”

[JR: All clear. Someone has an opinion that causes upset. (No surprise there. Wait till she reads my endnotes. She be convinced I never graduated. But I did. Surprise surprise. No as surprised as certain faculty members!)

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    * Posted on: Thu, Feb 18 2010 9:23 AM
    * Updated: Fri, Feb 19 2010 12:40 AM

JFound: DeCarlo, Joe [MC1984] Senior Business Consultant at The SAM Group


DeCarlo, Joe [MC1984]
Greater New York City Area
Professional Training & Coaching

Senior Business Consultant at The SAM Group

Business consultant working with all QMS and regulatory standards. Conducted over 1500 training events for all levels of an organization. RABQSA lead auditor, past executive chair of the ASQ. Lecturer at Harvard, CCSU, Columbia and Fordham University.


Senior professional services executive with expertise in providing management training, consulting for aerospace, medical device and general manufacturing industries.

RABQSA Lead Auditor.


Executive Training, consulting, sales expertise, complete computer skills.

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    * Posted on: Thu, Feb 18 2010 5:06 PM

JFound: Cox, Lawrence H. [MC1968] Assoc Dir Nat Ctr for Health Statistics


National Center for Health Statistics – ORM

Lawrence H. Cox, PhD (Associate Director)

Dr. Lawrence’s previous positions include senior mathematical statistician for the U.S. Census Bureau, senior mathematical statistician for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and director, Board on Mathematical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Cox holds a bachelor of science from Manhattan College and a Ph.D. from Brown University, both in mathematics. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association, an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, and is active in a variety of professional associations.

Dr. Cox’s research has focused on the use of mathematical theory and methods, including mathematical programming to model and solve problems in statistical science. Such problems, arising principally in official statistics, tend to be computationally large and complex, necessitating a mixture of theoretical and algorithmic solutions. Much of his research has been directed at problems in statistical data confidentiality and disclosure limitation, including the development of theory and computational methods for controlled data rounding and perturbation, complementary cell suppression, and controlled tabular adjustment. His recent research examines the effects of disclosure limitation methods on the quality and usability of released disclosure-limited data, and development of new and enhanced quantitative methods to balance data confidentiality and data quality.

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Cox, Lawrence H. [MC????]

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Dear John,

   I believe that Larry is a member of the Class of 1968.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Cox, Lawrence H. [MC1968]

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    * Posted on: Thu, Feb 18 2010 8:34 PM
    * Updated: Sat, Feb 20 2010 9:56 PM

JFound: O’Neill, Joseph J. (MC1967)


O’Neill, Joseph J. (MC1967)
Consultant to Physical and/or Futures Commodity Industry
Massapequa Park, New York 11762

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Fri, Feb 19 2010 4:28 AM

MFound: Sunday March 21, 1908?


The Sun
Sunday March 21, 1908

[JR: This came up in an MC search. I couldn't find MC, but, in Column 3 near the top, I found Manhattan Prep. Anyone have better eyes?]

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    * Posted on: Fri, Feb 19 2010 9:29 AM

JHQ: Schedule of pre-law events; McEneney, Mike (MC1953) on 4/21


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Dantuono,Kelly (MC2010) sent a message to the members of Manhattan College Thomas More Law Society.


Subject: save the dates!!!

The following is the schedule of pre-law events being held during the remainder of the spring 2010 semester:

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Manhattan College Pre-Law Students: Describe Their Court Internships
Date: Monday, March 29, 2010
Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location: DLS 300 – Capalbo Room

Speakers: Manhattan College students will discuss their experiences interning within the NYS courts through the Student Ambassador Program (SAP). Mr. Daniel Paterson, Director of the program will provide a brief overview of SAP.

Q & A to follow.

At the conclusion of the event, Mr. Paterson will be available to interview students who are interested in being considered for the program.

*If you would like to be interviewed, dress in business casual and bring an updated resume to this event.

Refreshments will be served.

This event is sponsored by Dr. Patricia Sheridan, Pre-Law Advisor internships available in NY court system.

# – # – #

How to Pay for Graduate and Professional Schools
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010
Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location: DLS 300 – Capalbo Room

Speaker: Jennifer C. Trauman, former Brooklyn Law School financial aid advisor.

During this session there will be a review of the financing options available, the financial aid process, help to determine how much you should borrow, and help with the steps to take to get financially fit before you attend graduate or professional school.

Refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by Dr. Patricia Sheridan, Pre-Law Advisor

# – # – #

St. Thomas More Spring Lecture – Michael F. McEneney, Esq. ‘53 Speaker
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Alumni Room of the Library

Speaker: Michael F. McEneney, Esq. ‘53, former President of the Manhattan College Alumni Association and dedicated supporter of the college and the Thomas More Law Society.

Topic: The New York State Unified Court System and Prominent Jasper Lawyers

Refreshments will be served.


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    * Posted on: Fri, Feb 19 2010 6:36 PM

JEmail: Czaczkes, Michael [MC2010] disgusted about Quad op-ed: no gay marriage


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I would like to public express my disgust for my alma mater Manhattan College for publishing an op-ed against gay marriage.

– urbanamerica87

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Czaczkes, Michael [MC2010]

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[JR: Haven't read the article. It's not on the web. I'd bet Jasper Czaczkes would be "disgusted" by my opinions, and maybe many others as well. The 1927 Whitney v. California opinion applies here (imho), "If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence." Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Sat, Feb 20 2010 2:00 AM

JBlogger: Baez, Jessica (MC????) laughs with an old Jasper classmate


Sica Here!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Old Friend and New Memories

*** begin quote ***

I’m currently in the process of making many new memories with a dear old friend. It’s been an interesting month, or a bit more, to say the least. I’ve laughed more in this short time span than I have in a long time, and I have this individual to thank for that. I find myself eager to talk to this person, I look forward to emails, or text messages, and anything that makes for a new memory or brings a smile to my face. The memories go back to our days at Manhattan College, which really are so long ago. Some are clear as day, yet others need a little refreshing. It’s okay, though, because the stories that accompany those unclear memories leave me in stitches from all the laughing we do. I don’t believe anything happens by coincidence. I think there is a reason behind it all. And although I’ll never know the reason for any of what we go through in this life, good or bad, I think it’s time I stop questioning things, and really live in the moment…and maybe, just maybe, things will turn out differently. No matter what, I know I’ll always be grateful for having this opportunity with this person, and for all the happiness I’ve been brought thus far. I look forward to more laughs and new memories. Hugs to you, friend.

*** end quote ***

# – # – #

Baez, Jessica (MC????)

[JR: As I like to say -- and it may not be an original thought, but I don't know who said it first -- Jasper is forever, imho.]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Sat, Feb 20 2010 2:19 AM

JFound: LaSpisa, Laura [MC2005] has two jobs


LaSpisa, Laura [MC2005]
* Planner, Digital Media & Interactive Sales at GSN
* East Coast Sales Planner at SheKnows, LLC
Greater New York City Area
Marketing and Advertising

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Sat, Feb 20 2010 8:41 AM

JHQ: Help Wanted Alumni Relations Officer

February 20, 2010 · 


*** begin quote ***

Alumni Relations Officer job in Bronx, NY USA at Manhattan College …

Publication or Company, Manhattan College. Industry, Higher Education … About Our Company, Manhattan College, an independent Catholic coed institution in …

*** end quote ***

[JR: Maybe I should apply? ROFL!]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Sat, Feb 20 2010 4:41 PM

ENDNOTE: Sad sale

February 20, 2010 ·


Posted on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 04:46 PM
Irish teen sells virginity; Irish paper sells ethics

*** begin quote ***

Essentially, and not for the first time, a teenage girl tried to sell her virginity to the highest bidder on an auction site. Apparently, a reporter for the Telegraph noticed the posting, contacted the girl to see if it was legit and then posed as a wealthy businessman to bid for the young lady’s virtue.

*** end quote ***

[JR: Read this and just shook my head. How hard up can a girl be? I'll pray hard tonight that she finds her way. I guess not all technology is used properly.]

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    * Posted on: Sat, Feb 20 2010 6:45 PM

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"Bon courage a vous tous"

"Dona Nobis Pacem" 
