JASPER JOTTINGS Week 34 - 2010 Aug 22
Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College
- POSITRACTION: Changing the world, one woman at a time
- MNEWS: An MC librarian weds
- JLINKEDIN: Flynn, Jim [MC????] Information / Data Architect at CJK Info Services
- JLINKEDIN: Wallace, Patrick [MC2007] Planning Supervisor at Maxus
- JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) cites two examples of past rants
- JLINKEDIN: Horgan, James P. [MC1983] Financial Services Professional
- JOBIT: Adelhardt, Joseph [MC1964 RIP] reported by Sweeney, Peter K. (MC1964)
- JLINKEDIN: Murray, Michael (MC????) Prime Brkg Svcs at FBR Capital Markets
- JLINKEDIN: Patti, Michael [MC1977] Pgm Mgr at Panasonic Corp. of NA
- JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) requests you consider donating blood
- JNEWS: Quinn, Peter [MC1969] is interviewed in the WSJ
- JNEWS: Deppisch, Ralph [MC1968] speaks at Distressed Investing Forum ’10
- JLINKEDIN: O’Reilly, Peter [MC1994] Project Manager at Arbee Associates
- JLINKEDIN: Flynn, James [MC1987] Senior Vice President at Citibank
- JHQ: 23 SEPT 10 McFaddens — MC Boston networking event
- JLINKEDIN: McGrath, Robert [MC1993] Sr Client Svcs at Mellon Capital Mgmt
- JFOUND: Martin, Margaret (MC1998); her daughter has cookbook for you
- ENDNOTE: Can’t Be Pro-Abortion Catholic
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POSITRACTION: Changing the world, one woman at a time
Arkansas native devotes life to poor women in Thailand
Jodie Hightower
*** begin quote ***
Conway, Ark., Jul 31, 2010 / 01:15 pm (CNA).- Some people dream of
making a difference in the world and others actually do it. Arkansas
native Elizabeth Lachowsky Thaibinh and her husband, Michael, founded
Wildflower Home in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
*** and ***
“We take mothers in crisis, maybe they are single and pregnant,
victims of domestic violence or whatever the situation,” she said
in an interview with Arkansas Catholic during a recent trip back to
Conway, Arkansas and Houston, Texas. “We teach them and help them
readjust to society so they can effectively raise their children.”
Wildflower Home began in 2004 as an outreach ministry of the Maryknoll
religious order. The Thaibinhs were lay missionaries and began their
mission work in Thailand in 1994, she said. Even though in June the
Maryknolls pulled out of Thailand and Vietnam because of financial
concerns, Thaibinh said she will stay in the country and continue
Wildflower Home.
*** end quote ***
[JR: Wow! Now first thought is why not do it at home. Are there no
needs in Arkansas? But, one has to be amazed at the physical raw
courage of these folks. Like trapeze artist working without at net. So
far from home. So alone. Guess that's what demonstrating faith is all
about. Each of us faces our own challenges. They say you never get more
than you can handle. If so, I'd like small challenges, please. But the
folks who do the big ones are inspiring. If they can do THAT, then
surly I can do this. (Yeah, and don't call me Shirley!) Having studied
Thai in military language school, this woman's accomplishment is
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Aug 15 2010 12:37 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
MNEWS: An MC librarian weds
Heather Paulson, Samuel Dodge
Published: August 13, 2010
*** begin quote ***
Heather Rose Paulson and Samuel Barclay Dodge were married Saturday
evening at the Mountain Meadow Inn in Helena, Mont. Benjamin Martin, a
cousin of the bride and a Universal Life minister, officiated.
The bride, 28, is taking her husband’s name. Until earlier this
month, she worked in Manhattan as a children’s assistant
librarian at the New York Society Library. Later this month, she is to
begin working as the information services librarian at Manhattan College
in Riverdale, the Bronx. She graduated with honors from Mills College
in Oakland, Calif., and received a master’s in library science
from Long Island University’s School of Library and Information
Science in Manhattan. She is pursuing a master’s in humanities
and social thought at New York University.
{Extraneous Deleted}
A version of this article appeared in print on August 15, 2010, on page ST13 of the New York edition.
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[JR: Interesting. But published in the Old GreyLady. Why?]
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* Posted on: Sun, Aug 15 2010 1:37 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: Flynn, Jim [MC????] Information / Data Architect at CJK Info Services
Flynn, Jim [MC????]
Information / Data Architect at CJK Info Services
Greater New York City Area
Information Technology and Services
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Aug 15 2010 2:24 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: Wallace, Patrick [MC2007] Planning Supervisor at Maxus
Wallace, Patrick [MC2007]
Planning Supervisor at Maxus
Greater New York City Area
Marketing and Advertising
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Aug 15 2010 2:54 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) cites two examples of past rants
Group asks Pope to stop sale of Boston’s Catholic health-care system
August 11, 2010
*** begin quote ***
A coalition of lay Catholics has appealed to Pope Benedict XVI to block
the sale of Boston’s Catholic health-care system to a secular
*** end quote ***
Court victory for Loretto Sisters in dispute with California bishop
August 12, 2010
*** begin quote ***
A California appellate court on August 10 sided with the Loretto
Sisters and against Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento in a dispute over
proceeds of the sale of a Catholic high school to a charter school.
*** end quote ***
My fellow Jasper alums,
Taking off my CIC hat, I presume to write you as a fellow alum.
You’ve read my rants. Some of you have pushed back publicly and privately.
But here are two indisputable data points. You may think you have First
Amendment “rights”, but you don’t. The evil
Gooferment has been slowly crushing the civic, social, and religious
life out of this country by consuming all the “air”. It is
supplanting God as the thing to be worshipped.
Note the “health care system” sold to
“secular”. Think they will do abortions? Note the school
sold to a “charter”. Think it’s going to teach
religious virtue.
Now I am just a fat old white guy injineer with a low index, but even I
see the handwriting on the wall. The Gooferment religion is going to be
worshipping The State from which all benefits flow. Attended by its
bishops and priests aka politicians and bureaucrats. And, all you who
disagree just take your place in that railroad car over there for a
ride to the “Work Will Set You Free” camp vacation.
How stupid are we not to see the hand writing on the wall?
It may be well to late to turn the Titanic. I’d suggest that you
examine EVERY person standing for public office. You really only have
to query on a few issues: guns, money, and abortion / death penalty.
Those are the litmus tests.
* Do they trust you with a gun with which you may
resist the thugs who would force you to comply with Gooferment diktats?
(The Second Amendment is NOT about hunting unless by hunting you mean
* Do they want an honest commodity — gold and
/ or silver — based money? (Printing press money aka fiat
currency is like a rubber yardstick that can always be stretched. With
printing press money, the Gooferment is never broke and you pay the
hidden tax of inflation. BTW do you believe there is zero inflation? By
any food lately?)
* Do they support abortion or the death penalty?
Feel free to examine your Constitution. No where does it give the
Gooferment the power to kill folks unless there’s a declaration
of war. Or, they use Marque and Reprisal; even that doesn’t allow
them to do “wet work” personally, just promise not hold the
killer accountable. So how are they not defending the rights of future
citizens? How are they killing “convicted murderers”?
“Enemy civilians”? “Collateral damage” in
foreign countries? Targeting and killing American citizens in foreign
countries? And, don’t forget turning inner cities into third
world countries with “free fire” zones with their Pseudo
War On Some Drugs.
That’s all you have to do. Call out politicians and bureaucrats
with “Strike One: Guns”, “Strike Two: Money”,
and “Strike Three: Death”.
Sorry to intrude but this has my shorts in a knot.
Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
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* Posted on: Sun, Aug 15 2010 5:26 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: Horgan, James P. [MC1983] Financial Services Professional
Horgan, James P. [MC1983]
Financial Services Professional
Greater New York City Area
Financial Services
Summary: Accomplished financial services and securities management
professional with extensive success leading organizational
transformation, launching new technologies, developing new processes
and initiatives to create business solutions to raise productivities
and achieve cost savings. Superb leader with entrepreneurial drive,
interpersonal and organizational skills who builds, mentors and
inspires high performing teams to maximize performance and productivity
across multiple services and locations.
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* Posted on: Mon, Aug 16 2010 2:31 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JOBIT: Adelhardt, Joseph [MC1964 RIP] reported by Sweeney, Peter K. (MC1964)
More sad news to report. Joe Adelhardt MC class of 1967 / MP 1963,
passed on feast of Assumption following relapse of cancer which was
thought to have been completely removed in 2009. I let Alumni office
know by e-mail but your network may get word more broadly and rapidly
distributed to those who may wish to pay their respects. Arrangements
are below. Condolences can be sent to Mrs. Janina Adelhardt, 10 Thomas
Drive, Manalapan NJ 07726.
Sweeney, Peter K. (MC1964)
# – # – #
Joseph Adelhardt, 64, of Manalapan
Visitation at Freeman Manalapan-Marlboro FH, 344 Route 9 North,
Manalapan, on Tuesday & Wednesday, 8/17 & 18, from 4 to 8 pm
both days. Funeral Liturgy will be celebrated at St. Thomas More
Church, Manalapan, on Thursday, 8/19, at 9:30 am. Interment will follow
at the Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Arneytown. In lieu of flowers
memorial donations may be made to the Navy Memorial Foundation,
Washington, D.C. – www.navymemorial.org/donate
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Adelhardt, Joseph [MC1964 RIP]
# # # # #
Joseph William Adelhardt, 64, of Manalapan, died Sunday, Aug. 15, 2010,
at St. Peter’s University Hospital, New Brunswick. Born in New
York City to parents George and Adele (Luchun) Adelhardt, he resided in
Hazlet prior to moving to Manalapan 29 years ago. Joe graduated from
Manhattan College with a BS in Accounting and from Monmouth University
with a Masters in Business. He was a Certified Public Accountant as
well as a Navy Lieutenant and pilot instructor in Pensacola, Florida.
Joe retired in 2008 as Controller and Senior Vice president for
Pathmark stores where he worked for 30 years. As an avid photographer,
he enjoyed documenting family occasions. Joe’s love of sports,
especially baseball, continued throughout his lifetime and his friends
and family always looked forward to his annual Adelhardt Softball
gatherings. He was a communicant of St. Thomas More Catholic Church,
Manalapan, and a member of the Knights of Columbus Queen of Peace
Council, Englishtown. Joe was Chairperson of the Monmouth University
Leon Hess Business School Business Council as well as the Chairman of
the Council’s Steering Committee. Joe also served on the Monmouth
University, Leon Hess Business School Accounting Accreditation
Committee. He was also an Alumni Board Member.
He is survived by his wife of 34 years, the former Janina Juskevicius;
his two sons and daughter-in-law, Craig and Jennifer of Wood Ridge and
Chad of Narberth, PA; brother and sister-in-law, George and Marion of
Yonkers, NY; his sister, Jean of New York, NY; and many dear nieces and
Friends are invited to visit on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 17th and
18th, from 4 to 8 pm, at the Freeman Manalapan-Marlboro Funeral Home,
344 Route 9 North, Manalapan. A Funeral Liturgy will be celebrated on
Thursday, August 19th, at 9:30 am, at St. Thomas More Church,
Manalapan. Interment will follow at B/G William C. Doyle Veterans
Memorial Cemetery, Arneytown. In lieu of flowers, the family would
appreciate memorial donations to the Navy Memorial Foundation, 701
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20004 www.navymemorial.org/Donate.
Published in Asbury Park Press on August 17, 2010
Guestbook: http://goo.gl/HkZX
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Aug 17 2010 12:36 AM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: Murray, Michael (MC????) Prime Brkg Svcs at FBR Capital Markets
Murray, Michael (MC????)
Head Prime Brokerage Services at FBR Capital Markets
Greater New York City Area
Financial Services
Specialties: Prime Brokerage, Hedge Fund Service Providers. Hedge Fund
Start Up Services, Hedge Fund Capital Introduction, Speaking at Hedge
Fund Conferences.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Aug 17 2010 2:40 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: Patti, Michael [MC1977] Pgm Mgr at Panasonic Corp. of NA
Patti, Michael [MC1977]
Program Manager at Panasonic Corp. of North America
Greater New York City Area
Consumer Electronics
Summary: An engineering manager with 30 years of experience in both
management and design.Specific areas of expertise are in the areas of
integrated circuit design and consumer electronicproducts. A hands on
technical manager with a broad range of skills in digital and analog
circuit design, CAD tools, algorithm development, and software
modeling. Experience as a program manager working closely with
customers from design concept to high volume production. Significant
contributor to business development and marketing activities.
Specialties: technical management, program management, integrated
circuit design, consumer electronics product design, product market
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* Posted on: Wed, Aug 18 2010 2:03 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) requests you consider donating blood
Dear fellow alumni:
I told the story of how I first started to give blood in Jasper Jottings back in 2005.
*** begin quote ***
Like the good Brother who encouraged me to give blood for the first
time with the exhortation, “you’re probably not too stupid
to bleed right … …
*** end quote ***
I started giving and it seemed easy enough. I never kept track of how
much I gave over the years. But it was a lot. Never thought too much
about it. Just a function of habit. Have an opportunity present itself
and I’d go bleed.
(Always thought about that forgotten Brother, and wonder if he thought we all got smarter with age?)
That ALL changed in the last five weeks.
Frau was in the ER, CCU, and various parts the hospital. She had a
(still) unexplained blood loss. She required 26 pints over the 5 weeks
in and out of the hospital as the various doctors tried to figure it
out. The magic liquid just came every time it was called for.
Wasn’t until today, when I received an email from the Red Cross about donating blood, that it really clicked.
It was this past week end, when they gave her steroids, and the blood
loss slowed to a manageable pace. (She’s on a pace that says
she’ll need a pint in a month.) Not a cure by any means, BUTT
(there’s always a big but), if those 26 people hadn’t made
time to donate, we’d be having a completely different blog post.
Now, evidently, we have good health insurance, since no one has asked me to replace or pay for the blood she’s needed.
But, believing in the Law of Karma, I’d like to replace those 26
pints. Since I don’t have 26 to spare, it would take me a few
years to satisfy that “cosmic debt”. (Even though,
I’ve probably “pre paid” it.) So I’m going to
ask for your help.
We don’t need a formal “directed donation” of O+.
But, I would appreciate if you would donate a pint. Any flavor. In her
name, for her: “Frau Reinke”.
p.s., don’t tell her, she’d be embarrassed at the attention
and mad at me for make her the center of attention. I’m too old,
too poor, and need her too much to be sent to the doghouse or worse
divorce court for this particular “offense”.
By way of “reward”, or “punishment” depending
upon your view point, I will enter everyone who donates a pint into a
raffle for an autographed copy of “CHURCH 10●19●62”. Value
somewhere between zero and about $60. Contest runs between now and the
last day of September. Please email or mail me some evidence of the
donation. I’ll figure out some way to get a random number.
*** begin quote ***
It is often difficult to collect enough blood to meet the needs of
patients during the summer months. With schools out and families on
vacation, it’s important for eligible donors to come forward and
give the gift of life.
All blood types are needed, especially types O negative, A negative, and B negative.
Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767) or CLICK HERE
http://www.redcrossblood.org/make-donation to find a convenient
donation opportunity and to schedule an appointment.
*** end quote ***

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* Posted on: Wed, Aug 18 2010 11:23 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JNEWS: Quinn, Peter [MC1969] is interviewed in the WSJ
* AUGUST 19, 2010
Judge Crater and the Ever-Vanishing City
*** begin quote ***
Peter Quinn’s two previous historical novels are in some sense
about vanishing New York, but his latest tackles the theme directly. In
“The Man Who Never Returned,” out this month, Mr. Quinn
revisits the case of Joseph Force Crater, the real-life New York State
Supreme Court judge who mysteriously disappeared in 1930.
*** and ***
You retired as a speechwriter in 2007. Without a day job, have you become more productive as a novelist?
The day I retired I took my dog down to the train station to say
goodbye to the people I rode the 6:18 train with. Since then I
haven’t got up at 5:30 once. I get done in 12 hours what I used
to get done in two. It’s hard to write all day, although James
Patterson seems to be very productive. He sat behind me in English
class at Manhattan College. I tell people, “Jim and I together
have sold 150 million books, worldwide. James Patterson has sold
149,996,000. I sold the rest.”
*** end quote ***
[JR: That’s one talented class!]
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* Posted on: Thu, Aug 19 2010 9:58 AM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JNEWS: Deppisch, Ralph [MC1968] speaks at Distressed Investing Forum ’10
Ralph Deppisch, Luminous Ventures on Acquiring Assets from the FDIC at Distressed Investing Forum’10
2010-08-18 21:22:25 – Ralph Deppisch, Managing Member, Luminous
Ventures, Presenting at Distressed Investing Experts Forum 2010,
“Analyzing and Valuing Distressed Companies, Securities and Real
Estate (DistressedInvestingExpertsForum.com), September 21, New York
Ralph Deppisch, Managing Member, Luminous Ventures, will present at
Golden Networking’s Distressed Investing Experts Forum 2010,
“Analyzing and Valuing Distressed Companies, Securities and Real
Estate” (www.DistressedInvestingExpertsForum.com), September
21st, 2010, New York City. Mr. Deppisch will join a team of experienced
practitioners in the panel “Finding Acquiring Distressed
Financial Assets from the FDIC”.
Mr. Deppisch, an experienced Commercial Real Estate senior executive
with an emphasis in all aspects of development, asset management and
valuation, has served for the past twenty five years in the capacities
of Vice President, Senior Vice President, Director, Founder and
Managing Member. He has acquired an in depth knowledge in the
underwriting, valuation and financing of a wide range of product types
with strong affiliation relationships in all areas of the Real Estate
Mr. Deppisch has built through his career strategic affiliations in the
capital markets sector including equity raising and the formation of
joint venture partnerships, debt financing and the negotiation of loan
documents, as well managed the development and implementation of
public/private and political outreach programs as well as
public/private partnership structures. Mr. Deppisch holds a Bachelor in
Sciences, Electrical Engineering, from Manhattan College, and a Master in Business Administration from California State University Fullerton.
# – # – #
Deppisch, Ralph [MC1968]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Aug 19 2010 10:06 AM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: O’Reilly, Peter [MC1994] Project Manager at Arbee Associates
O’Reilly, Peter [MC1994]
Project Manager at Arbee Associates
Baltimore, Maryland Area
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Aug 19 2010 2:08 PM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JLINKEDIN: Flynn, James [MC1987] Senior Vice President at Citibank
Flynn, James [MC1987]
Senior Vice President at Citibank
Greater New York City Area
Financial Services
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Aug 20 2010 10:18 AM
* Updated: Fri, Aug 20 2010 7:29 PM
JHQ: 23 SEPT 10 McFaddens — MC Boston networking event
Manhattan College Networking Event in Boston: September 23rd at McFaddens.
All Manhattan College Alumni in there area should find a way to make this event! We are expecting a large …
By Michael McLeod, Alumni Relations Officer at Manhattan College
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Aug 20 2010 5:24 PM
JLINKEDIN: McGrath, Robert [MC1993] Sr Client Svcs at Mellon Capital Mgmt
McGrath, Robert [MC1993]
Senior Client Services Officer at Mellon Capital Management
Greater New York City Area
Financial Services
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:49 PM
JFOUND: Martin, Margaret (MC1998); her daughter has cookbook for you
A Cookbook fundraiser in honor of Caitlin Anne Martin
“Cooking with Caitlin”
Following a Neutropenic/Low Microbial Diet

A cookbook that highlights recipes that work within the Neutropenic /
Low Microbial Diet Guidelines. A Neutropenic/ Low Microbial diet is a
special diet that must be followed during cancer treatment. Just about
any recipe can be converted to meet the Neutropenic/Low Microbial Diet
The Cookbooks are: http://cookingwithcaitlin.webs.com/orderform.htm
*** and ***
Caitlin’s dad, Michael Martin, will be running in his second NYC
Marathon in November 2010, as a part of Fred’s Team. Fred’s
Team raises money for cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center. The proceeds from this cookbook will go towards
Mike’s 2010 run with a donation in Caitlin’s name towards
The Aubrey Fund for Pediatric Cancer Research at Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center.
Thank you again for you support & Bon appetit!
*** end quote ***
[JR: Cookbooks are 20$ for a good cause. And, I'm sure, if you try a
recipe or two, it won't kill you. Even if it's awful, then you'll
understand a little bit of what those afflicted are going through. It's
probably good for you anyway. And, if you don't like, and you're like
this fat old white guy injineer, you could lose a few pounds.
Seriously, we need to support our fellow Jasper and her daughter.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Aug 20 2010 9:24 PM
ENDNOTE: Can’t Be Pro-Abortion Catholic
Archbishop: Can’t Be Pro-Abortion Catholic, No Communion for Abortion Backers
by Steven Ertelt LifeNews.com Editor
July 28, 2010
*** begin quote ***
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — The head of the Archdiocese of
St. Louis says it is “clear and unambiguous” that Catholics
who want to remain in good standing with the Church can’t support
abortion. Archbishop Robert J. Carlson also says those who support
legalized abortion should voluntarily opt out of receiving community.
*** end quote ***
Finally going to address the CINO politicians?
I doubt it. My tin foil hat says that the Gooferment has the sex scandal hanging over them. We’ll see?
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* Posted on: Sat, Aug 21 2010 6:37 PM
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"Bon courage a vous tous"
"Dona Nobis Pacem"