Oct 31, 2010 POSITRACTION: The Old Gray Lady is a nest of “Secular Progressives” Dolan blasts anti-Catholicism of New York Times October 20, 2010 *** begin quote *** Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York has again criticized The New York Times for “the common, casual way [it] offends Catholic sensitivity, something they would never think of doing — rightly so — to the Jewish, Black, Islamic, or gay communities.” *** end quote *** [JR: Why do Catholics tolerate an insult that no one else does? We're not supposed to get hurt. WWJD? Moneychangers in the Temple. We should be motivated to turn the other cheek, but not accepting the insult. Speaking up, calmly, lovingly, but with resolute firmness. "We shall overcome."] “It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings.” —Mohandas Gandhi # # # # # |
Oct 31, 2010 JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) MC seems to violate ... Catholic social teachingDear FJohn,To continue on just a bit “why is a union needed?” should not be the question. If some of the affected people think they want one, let there be a secret ballot vote. (I also oppose the so-called “Employee Free Choice Act.) Alma Mater should present her case, but hiring special counsel – whose specialty I would guess, is fighting off unions – seems to violate the spirit of Catholic social teaching. And BTW as you can see from my signature I am also an injineer, and I’m not that far behind you. What you can’t see is I’m also white and my doc says some of the pounds should go…. :-) mike toner BEE ‘72 Buffalo, NY [JR: Labor is always free to go elsewhere. My concern is that is this a Trojan Horse. Do we have "Secular Progressives" seeking conception and abortion coverage to embarrass, intimidate, and attack a Catholic institution. Look at Notre Dame, giving BHO44 an honorary degree when (imho illegally) using the Gooferment to spread the "culture of death" in America and around the world. Georgetown covers up its religious symbols to accommodate the "Socialist in Chief". And, on and on. Supposedly Catholic institutions are corrupted or attacked. I smell at rat. So the question SHOULD be "why a union" and "why now"? I'm not a fan of "social justice", which is code for big Gooferment socialism. Let's advocate for liberty and let "We, The People" take care of charity. Americans are fantastically generous. But Gooferment welfare is "the new plantation" keeping the poor enslaved. Like livestock, for the elite, managed by the politicians and bureaucrats! Argh! Why a union? What's the grievance? ... ... ... Sigh, I guess the 'good life' catches up to us injineers when we have an virtually unlimited beer budget?] # # # # # posted 2010-10-31 12:45 |
Oct 31, 2010 JLINKEDIN: Gomez, Raul [MC1995] Systems Engineering Architect at Nortel, Raul [MC????] Systems Engineering Architect at Nortel Greater New York City Area Telecommunications Summary: Raul Gomez has been in the field of networking and communications for over twenty two years, and has worked directly with vendors and the standards bodies through every phase of the evolving communications market. Raul is currently a Technical Sales Architect for Nortel in the Optical Division Team. In this role, Raul is responsible for promoting and developing Carrier Ethernet and Optical solutions as influenced by, and tailored to meet, Corporate Account customer needs. Mr. Gomez holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Masters Degree credits in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Extensive history of working directly with senior executives and technical customers to enable the -winning solution-, through designing Communication Solutions and optimized business process that provides functionality and efficiency. Specialties: Carrier Ethernet design solutions, Voice over IP networks, Optical Solution (LAN, WAN and Metro), Business Management, Project Management, Strategy and Negotiation, Conducting and reviewing market reserch with competitive analysis and Public Speaking. # # # # # John, I believe that Raul Gomez is a member of the class of 1995. Ed McEneney Edward J. (MC1959) [JR: Thanks, Ed. Much appreciated.] Gomez, Raul [MC1995] # # # # # |
Nov 1, 2010 JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) opines on the recently passed health-care billRE: POSITRACTION: Pro-Life Leader threatened (JJ 31OCT10)Dear FJohn, While I certainly agree that anyone is entitled to his/her opinion and the right to publicly state it, I do not think that it is an indisputable fact that the recently passed health-care bill provides unfettered taxpayer funding of abortion on demand. Certainly, many anti-choice groups assert that as a fact, but a number of church-supporting groups including NETWORK, a Catholic nuns lobbying group, and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious felt otherwise. I’d bet a bottom dollar that the congressman’s vote was to provide health-care to 30 million Americans who do do not currently have coverage and not for “taxpayer funding of abortion”- a gross oversimplification of the bill. I’m trusting the nuns to have more carefully studied the issue than the USCCB, who have clearly decided that they have an axe to grind with this president and anything his administration proposes. mike toner BEE ‘72 Buffalo, NY [JR: AND, might it be possible that NETWORK and LCRW might have been co-opted or CINO? "provide health-care to 30 million Americans"? Please, DMML (don't make me laff) The politicians' bumper sticker description is a ruse. As with everything they say about it. For the amount of money spent, we could have bought ALL the uninsured an insurance policy. It's not about the stated objectives. It's about SOCIALISM! It's always about the elites telling the sheeple what to do. This President, the D's, and most of the R"s are Big Gooferment Socialists. They want to tell people what they can do while feathering their own nests at our expense. Sorry, but like the Soviet Union, they have destroyed the old USA. Started with the Federalists and their Constitution and it's been down hill ever since. Catholics better wake up, that they are heading for oblivion or the camps, one decision, program, or tax at a time. Boiling the frogs. It'll be an ENDNOTE if I keep going. But, I see that we've hit the proverbial iceberg, but the boat ain't gone down yet. And, when it does, it's not going to be pretty.] [JR: Clearly an area where we'll have to agree to disagree agreeably. As opposed to the idiots in the media, who just scream at each other and their audience. We'll see how it plays out. That'll show us how we're both wrong. :-) Pass the beer and cholate covered donuts.] # – # – # Ohio Democrat Threatens Pro-Life Leader with Jail by Connie Hair 10/20/2010 # # # # # posted 2010-11-01 07:43 |
Nov 1, 2010 MNEWS: Overlook Manor Intruder arrested, November 1, 2010 Maya Little Manhattan College Overlook Manor Residents Alarmed by Intruder *** begin quote *** Wednesday night Manhattan College Overlook Manor residents and security were alarmed and disturbed by the entrance of an unidentified male. The male was identified by the policed as 34 year old Damian Delgado. *** end quote *** [JR: Wow! Time to arm the students. RKBA? "Gun control is the theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound." Victim disarmament!] # # # # # posted 2010-11-01 11:54 |
Nov 1, 2010 JLINKEDIN: Nally, Jennifer [MC1995] Consultant, Senior Meeting Planner |
Nov 2, 2010 JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) closes the loop on an earlier messageMy fellow Jaspers: Just wanted to close the loop on an earlier message. The little fellow, that I was seeking help for, didn’t make it. Never got to the stage of transplantation. Of course, there’s nothing stopping anyone from giving blood, platelets, or signing up to be a bone marrow donor. To do these types of Corporal Works of Mercy shouldn’t require a personal appeal or a photogenic child. As a gallon guy from my days at injineering skrule, I wish I could say I was always motivated by my desire to help my fellow man. Unfortunately, it was a cheap way to get a buzz on after donating. We goofs did it more as a lark, rather than a conscious act. Now, older and wiser, and seeing the need first hand, I’d urge everyone to donate. It truly is the “gift of life”. fjohn68# # # # # posted 2010-11-01 21:55 JEMAIL: Do you have B- blood in the Winston Salem NC area? I know a baby who needs some blood. Can’t offer you anything much more than “thanks”. Young parents are going nuts. The grandparents are my old friends. Drop me a email or call me. fjohn68 # # # # # posted 2010-11-01 21:52 |
Nov 2, 2010 JEMAIL: Dans, Peter E. (MC1957) concurs on ‘The Simpsons’Hi John:Two comments on your latest Jasper Jottings which is as good as ever. 1. I really liked the story about Brother Brian Carty. I was not surprised to learn that he had taught at Lincoln Hall, a Christian Brothers reformatory for wayward boys, that is much needed in this day and age. When I was at La Salle Military Academy from 1948 to 1953, we went there every year to play sports and interact with the residents. It was probably more salutary for us to interact with youth who didn’t have our advantages. The Brothers gave them tough love and demanded discipline like Brother Carty still does. Hooray for him. He is a true hero. 2. I second your comments on the L’Osservatore Romano’s endorsement of the Simpsons. Apparently, the editor is trying to make the paper more hip and relevant to youth. In June, the editor called “The Blues Brothers” a “Catholic film” and set it along real classic Catholic films. He recommended it be viewed by Catholics everywhere. Having written a book about Christians in the Movies and never having seen it because I was too busy as a practicing doctor to see movies, especially what many (including Catholic critics) called a trashy film, I bought a copy of the 25th anniversary edition. In my estimation, it is a terrible, profane and mindless film that’s filled with interminable car chases and destruction of cars, malls, buildings etc.. By praising it, they only affirm the cult status of John Belushi whose indulgence of his many appetites led to his early death, and was hardly a role model. Dan Aykroyd, who wrote and also starred in the film said “As a former altar boy from age 6 and as a somewhat lapsed Catholic, I was delighted by the endorsement. My local monsignor will immediately be receiving a check for parish needs.” He inserted Catholic imagry. Christ on the cross, a picture of JP II, a sign commemorating a Catholic high school championship outside Joliet prison, a nun called “the Penguin” who is a member of the order of St. Helen of the Holy Shroud and who repeatedly raps the knuckles of Belushi, who has just been released from prison. She hits him harder as he curses her out. She charges the Brothers to get $5000 of clean (not stolen) money to save the orphanage which Aykroyd calls a “Mission from God.” The best thing about the film is the resurrection of the career of Cab Calloway, a favorite of my Uncle Pete, singing “Minnie the Moocher” in his trademark white tie and tux. I spent many hours in the 40s listening to Calloway’s 78 rpm records on our Victrola. Still, this was little compensation for the rest of the self-indulgent antics. Not only does the Vatican have to clean out Cardinals, Bishops and the Vatican Bank directors but they also need a new editor at L’Osservatore Romano. Those interested in more info should Google the movie title and Vatican. Best, Peter Dans, Peter E. (MC1957) [JR: Glad to hear your confirmation of Jasper Jottings staying on mission. The Brother Brian Carty story was tangential to alumni, but an inspiring tale. The L'Osservatore Romano rant seemed obvious to me, but I'm just a fat old white guy injineer. Glad a distinguished movie critic, as yourself, doesn't think I'm a loon. The Church has a lot of administrative issues to get back on mission. Sigh. Thanks for a great email.] # # # # # posted 2010-11-02 09:36 |
Nov 2, 2010 MFOUND: MC has “a medieval feeling”?by Jasper John 68,73277.msg1727878.html#msg1727878 oldassocprof Here, but should be writing instead Distinguished Senior Member *** begin quote *** Re: Manhattan College, Riverdale NY I had a friend who interviewed there for a chair position. It is Catholic, run by Christian Brothers (I think) and has a SLACish flavor. Gulliani went there. The students seem to be a cut or two above the usual state college students, but not quite up to the level of high-level SLAC students. According to my friend, the Catholic presence is very strong. The campus is on a very small footprint, so it has a medieval feeling, like a castle keep. He said one of the deans told him that everyone there felt like they were being watched, but that was inevitable since you can cross the academic part of the campus in a couple or three minutes. The faculty is mainly lay, however. But the campus culture seems very tangible and heavy. My friend said the department in his discipline was pretty weak. It might help being Catholic to get hired. He wasn’t and wasn’t. *** end quote *** # # # # # posted 2010-11-02 13:14 |
Nov 2, 2010 JLINKEDIN: Kelly, Dan [MC1985] Director at CGI, Dan [MC1985] Director at CGI Greater New York City Area Information Technology and Services # # # # # |
Nov 2, 2010 JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) and I continue our discussionOn 11/2/10 1:21 PM, Reinke, F. John (MC1968) wrote to Toner, Mike (MC1972): Obama Administration Threatens Catholic Colleges on Birth Control, Abortion by Patrick Reilly | Washington, DC | | 11/1/10 6:43 PM *** begin quote *** In its latest threat to the religious liberty and independence of Catholic colleges and universities, the Obama administration has issued new regulations that open the door to possible state intrusion into curriculum, student policies and hiring decisions. *** end quote *** Still think the “King” (i.e., Gooferment) isn’t attacking the Church? # – # – # On Nov 2, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Michael Toner wrote: Thanks for the info John. I see some misguided regulations, but still don’t agree that there is a “grand plan” to either attack the Church or “rule our lives.” mt # – # – # On Nov 2, 2010, at 3:07 PM, JASPER @ RCC wrote: So what evidence would you need to see to believe that there is a “Grand Plan”? Do you wait until the soldiers are loading the cattle cars to say “Hey, some one has a plan to kill us all?”. Maybe a “Kristallnacht”? When you shake a haystack and some needles fall out, where there are not supposed to be any, you don’t need a degree in statistics to conclude that some one put some needles in that haystack. Here’s a few needles: • Catholic schools are being squeezed form the marketplace by “free” Gooferment Skrules. (The ultimate insult to Catholic parents, they have to send their children to the Gooferment Skrules where they are indoctrinated in the religion of the “Secular Progressive” faith. They then have to pay taxes to support those Gooferment Skrules that propagandize everyone’s children in Gooferment worship.) • Catholic hospitals are economically forced to close. St Vincent’s, for example. Regulated, taxed, litigated, “supervised” and “reimbursed” right out of business. They are forced to do abortions or convert to “non-sectarian” institutions. • Catholic Charities is also regulated right out of business • Catholic fraternities, like the KofC, are regulated (i.e., liquor licenses; bingo licenses; zoning) right out of business. • Catholic bishops are intimidated by the pedophilia allegations and convictions into silence about the moral issues of the day. Forced into bankruptcy by judgements from the Gooferment’s courts. • Catholic Universities are either corrupted or co-opted by agents of the “Secular Progressive” movement. Any that resist are demonstrated against, public excoriated as throwback Neanderthals, or litigated. • Catholic Churches and institutions are required to recognize an employees rights to birth control, abortion, and same sex marriage partners. And provide insurance for that. Or be subject to administrative or judicial penalties. • Christian Churches are threatened with the IRS if they even hint of political activity. However, black Churches and Jewish synagogues — who support the Democratic party — are immune. • Catholic priests and religious are routinely portrayed by Hollywood as villains. Scapegoating the Jews was a feature of Nazi Germany. • The US Gooferment uses foreign aid — partially paid from by pro-lifer paid taxes — to encourage birth control, abortion, and same-sex marriage. • The US Gooferment use domestic aid to do the same thing. And you say there is NO evidence of a grand plan? Good thing I’m not a Catholic bishop. I’d close all Catholic institutions tomorrow. And they’d stay closed until I got a “New Deal”. And, I would NOT sell them. Just close them. I’d make the Gooferment go through the longest legal battle imaginable to take possession. I’d even “spike the cannons” to prevent the facilities from being used for immoral purposes. Get me a crew of fat old white guy injineers and tell them I didn’t want this facility used again. Wonder how long it would take to unepoxy every lock. Every pipe. Every thing. Then I’d ask the staff, the religious, and the laity to lay down outside the places. Yes, I like the movie Gandhi. Non-violent non-cooperation. “Yes. In the end, you will walk out. Because 100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate.” — movie Gandhi (1983) Catholics need to refuse to cooperate with a genocide. imho, fjohn68 p.s., would you mind if I used this in Jasper Jottings? With or without your message? # – # – # On Nov 2, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Michael Toner wrote: Dear John, It is your recitation of the “facts” :-). Just as one “for instance”, we still seem to have a pretty robust Catholic Charities operation here in Buffalo. OK, one more, Catholic grade schools have never had a lot of government support, other than textbooks and payments for some record keeping, etc. – this goes back forever – nothing has been taken away recently. What has hurt the Catholic parish schools are overall reduced numbers and collections and the consequent reluctance to provide large operating subsidies for the schools from general parish funds. They have also been hurt by the lack of professed religious to teach at very low cost (witness the need for nationwide collections for the Fund for Retired Religious) and the marketplace realities that quality teachers have to be paid a living wage. The days have pretty well past where (primarily) women did this either (a) just out of school and before a family or (b) as part charity/vocation and part paid job. Sorry, didn’t mean to get started on my own “rant.” Feel free to use as much or as little of both your and my comments as you wish in JJ. And thanks, as always, for your work as CIC. mike toner # – # – # [JR: Well, there you have it. I, in my tin foil hat, see an out of control Gooferment virulently attacking the Church. As a Queen Bee kills its rivals for the loyalty and possession of the hive. My esteemed (Hey, at least he reads my rantings, that makes him 'esteemed' in my eyes. Or is that 'steamed'?) fellow Jasper doesn't see it. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Hopefully, I'm wrong. I don't think so, but you decide. At least, we generated some content for JJ. Thanks, Mike, for reading.] # # # # # posted 2010-11-02 16:41 |
Nov 3, 2010 JHQ: November 2010 NEWSLETTER[JR: The November 2010 MC Monthly Newsletter was in the email box this morning.] # # # # # posted 2010-11-03 06:45 |
Nov 4, 2010 JLINKEDIN: Gonya, Joseph [MC2000] IS Security Architect at National Grid, Joseph [MC2000] IS Security Architect at National Grid Greater New York City Area Utilities # # # # # |
Nov 4, 2010 QUADRANGLE: WRCM expands*** begin quote *** With the new change, the station will be accessible 24/7 from any location. This would also allow for the college and its events to be showcased to a wider audience. Adopting an AM or FM frequency was considered, but it was concluded to be too expensive. “The licensing contracts and amount of equipment that would be necessary, as well as, commitment of the student-body did not appear at all sustainable for our current situation,” stated the proposal. *** end quote *** # # # # # posted 2010-11-03 17:11 |
Nov 4, 2010 JHQ: Brother James Wallace, F.S.C., Vice President for Mission 2, 2010 Manhattan College Names Brother James Wallace, F.S.C., Vice President for Mission RIVERDALE, N.Y. – Brother James Wallace, F.S.C., was recently named to the position of vice president for mission by Manhattan College. With his extensive administrative experience and broad international perspective, Br. James will be in charge of developing and implementing new and existing programs at Manhattan that focus on bringing the College community together to discuss and celebrate its Lasallian tradition. Prior to this, he served as the assistant vice president for mission. His predecessor, John Wilcox, Ph.D., will continue to work with Br. James as director of Lasallian Studies. Br. James has worked in education for nearly 50 years, and launched his career in 1960 at St. Joseph Collegiate Institute in Buffalo, N.Y. His educational career at Manhattan started in 1990 as an assistant professor in the school of education. He supervised teachers at the secondary level, as well as administrative interns, and taught many courses, including: School Administration and Supervision; Learning and Teaching Styles; Educational Decision Making and Change; Teaching Reading to Exceptional Students; Human Relations in the Educational Process; and Curriculum Development. After leaving Manhattan in 1996 for reassignment in Africa, Br. James served as dean of studies at Christ the Teacher College in Nairobi, Kenya, a teacher/member of the school management team at St. Brendan’s Secondary School, and headmaster of LaSalle College in Johannesburg, South Africa. From 2006-2010, Br. James was the auxiliary provincial of the Lwanga District of the De La Salle Brothers, Africa. In this position, he visited 19 schools in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Eritrea, to provide assistance in the form of workshops, evaluation and encouragement. Br. James earned his B.A. in American History from The Catholic University of America and an M.S. in guidance and counseling from Canisius College. He also completed a doctor of education (Ed. D.) in teaching and curriculum from Syracuse University in 1990 and holds a certificate of advanced studies in reading education and anthropology. # # # # # posted 2010-11-03 19:15 |
Nov 4, 2010 JHQ: MC has Roma Expert to Speak at Third Annual Schweitzer Lecture 2, 2010 Roma Expert to Speak at Third Annual Schweitzer Lecture RIVERDALE, N.Y. – David M. Crowe, Ph.D., professor of history and legal history at Elon University, will deliver the third annual Frederick M. Schweitzer lecture on the Holocaust to be held on Monday, Nov. 8, in Smith Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Crowe, an expert on the history of the Holocaust, Roma, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, will present The Jews, the Roma, and the Holocaust: A Comparative Look at the Breadth of Nazi Evil. The lecture is also timely with the recent news of France pushing out several Romanian and Bulgarian citizens (Roma or gypsies), and many critics have called the act “racism.” “David M. Crowe is a world-class expert on the victims of war crimes. His lecture will compare the experience of the Roma and the Jews during the Holocaust and will make some observations about the Roma’s present conditions,” says Jeff Horn, Ph.D., professor and chair of the history department and director of the Holocaust Resource Center at Manhattan College. “In commemoration of Kristallnacht, this lecture is both topical and historical.” This year marks the 72nd anniversary of the Kristallnacht or Night of Broken Glass, a series of attacks on Jews that occurred between Nov. 9 and 10, 1938. Crowe is the author and editor of numerous books including Crimes of State, Past and Present: Government-Sponsored Atrocities and International Legal Responses (2010), The Holocaust: Roots, History, and Aftermath (2008), A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia (revised edition, 2007), and Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind The List (2004). He has also appeared on CNN International, BBC radio and numerous television and radio programs throughout North America, Europe and Israel, and his works have been featured in articles in The New York Times, the Jerusalem Post, The Evening Standard, and many other magazines and newspapers. As a result of Crowe’s extensive knowledge of the Roma, Russians and other ethnic groups, he has served in many court cases in the United States and Canada as an expert witness. In addition, he testified before the U.S. Congress Commission on security and cooperation in Europe and New York City Council’s subcommittee on immigration. The Frederick M. Schweitzer Lecture on the Holocaust is a lecture series named in honor of Frederick M. Schweitzer, professor emeritus of history. He was the instrumental voice behind the launch of Manhattan College’s Holocaust Resource Center in 1996 and served as its director until 2007. # # # # # posted 2010-11-03 19:18 |
Nov 4, 2010 (2 days ago)JEMAIL: McCarthy, Tom [MC????] cites play The Banished Children of Eve 02 DecTom McCarthy November 4 at 2:32pm*** begin quote *** If any students and alumni are interested in attending a performance of the play The Banished Children of Eve based on the novel of the same name by Manhattan graduate, Peter Quinn ’69, please let me know as soon as possible… The Manhattan College community is invited to attend a special performance of Peter Quinn ’69’s Banished Children of Eve on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 8:00 p.m. at the Irish Repertory Theater (132 W. 22nd St,. New York, N.Y.). The play is drawn from Quinn’s novel, which depicts Civil War New York City in 1863, and how increasing racial tensions leads to the fatal July draft riots. Elements of the novel were used for Martin Scorcese’s film the Gangs of New York. The novel is adapted for the stage by Kelly Younger and directed by Ciaran O’Reilly, and Quinn will engage the audience in a post-performance discussion. Tickets are complimentary for students and $30 for alumni. If interested, please e-mail thomas mccarthy c/o manhattan or call (718) 862-7582. *** end quote *** [JR: Of course, Jasper Jottings will forward any inquiries to Jasper Tom.] McCarthy, Tom [MC????] # # # # # posted 2010-11-04 15:25 |
Nov 4, 2010 JLINKEDIN: Kelly, Daniel J. [MC????] MIS/IT Ops – Comp Spec |
Nov 5, 2010 JOBIT: Dobbs, Harry [MC1953 RIP] by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)Dear John,Below is an announcement of the passing of my Classmate and good friend Harry Dobbs. He was a long time member of the Village Light Opera Group. I last saw Harry at our 50th Anniversary celebration. May He Rest In Peace. Mike ——– Original Message ——– Hi Mike, We were just talking about Harry. May he rest in peace. Carmen *** begin quote *** Harry Dobbs quietly passed away November 3 after a three year bout with lung cancer. He spent his final weeks in hospice care at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx. He was a long time member of VLOG, initially performing in the 1960′s, and returning in 1988 for another 10 years on the stage, and served as the group’s treasurer for several years. He is survived by his daughter, Jillian Sutriasa of Sebastian, FL along with her husband and 2 grand-daughters, Maya and Ayu. Harry’s other daughter, Melissa, died of bone cancer last summer. Harry was cremated, and, at a future date, there will be a memorial held at the New York Athletic Club, where he was a member. *** end quote *** McEneney, Mike (MC1953) Dobbs, Harry [MC1953 RIP] # # # # # posted 2010-11-04 17:37 |
Nov 5, 2010 JLINKEDIN: Abdelgader, Steven [MC????] Director Of Engineering at Ultimate Inc., Steven [MC????] Director Of Engineering at Ultimate Inc. Greater New York City Area Construction Summary: A skilled manager and an engineer, I drive growth and profitability by leading successful project and product development lifecycles from concept through completion. My adept operations management, effective production control and innovative global product development have spurred increased revenues and reduced costs in the highly competitive and complex medical device manufacturing and construction industries. In addition to controlling costs while delivering quality products and outstanding performance, I have a history of improving margins by streamlining operations. I have handled diverse and multiple levels of responsibility ranging from budgeting and cost controls to new product rollout and manufacturing support logistics. Specialties: Engineering / Medical Devices / Product Design & Development / R&D / Process & Product Reengineering / Project Management Regulatory Operations / ISO 9000 & 9001 / Project & Structural Engineering / Patent Holder # # # # # John, I did not find a listing of Steven Abdelgader in the alumni directories. Ed McEneney Edward J. (MC1959) [JR: Thanks, Ed. Much appreciated.] # # # # # |
Nov 5, 2010 JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) remembers a fellow Jasperby Jasper John 68Dear John, Today’s NY Times (11/5) has an obituary for Msgr. Edward J. Mitty. Msgr. was the brother of the late Dr. Bill Mitty, a former President of the Manhattan College Alumni Society and a long time supporter of the College. May He Rest In Peace. Mike # # # # # posted 2010-11-05 15:02 |
Nov 5, 2010 JOBIT: Hughes, Richard A. Sr. [MC1942 RIP] by McDonnell, John [MC????]RE: DR. RICHARD A. HUGHES SR. MD (MC 1942)FROM: McDonnell, John [MC????] # – # – # WEST LONG BRANCH, N.J. and QUEENSBURY – Richard A. Hughes Sr., MD, 88, passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009, in West Long Branch, N.J. Born Aug. 24, 1920, in New York City, he was the son of the late James and Rose Ann (Timmons) Hughes. In 1949, he married Dr. Betty Louise Voelker in Cleveland, Ohio. Richard was a veteran of World War II, serving in the United States Air Force from 1942 until 1945, in Europe in the Signal Corps. He graduated from Manhattan College in 1942, and from Marquette University Medical School in 1949. After finishing his medical internship in 1951, he began practicing general medicine in Lake Luzerne, N.Y., and soon after, opened a private practice in Glens Falls, N.Y., with his wife, Betty Voelker, MD. With seven young children and a supportive wife at home, he opted for three more years of specialty training in ear, nose and throat. The first year at the University of Pennsylvania and the last two years at Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, finishing in 1964. Dr. Hughes then practiced in Glens Falls and Queensbury until he retired in 2004, at the age of 83. Dr. Hughes had very strong interests in medical education, art, antiques, reading and golf. He was an active member of the New York State Medical Society, serving for many years as the Councilor. Dr. Hughes was predeceased by his parents, his wife, Betty Voelker, MD, In 1982, and more recently, by his long time companion, Betty Jean Baxter of Queensbury. Survivors include his brother, Edwin Hughes and his wife, Joyce, of Sarasota, Fla.; Susan Hughes, MD and her husband, Michael DeSimone of Medford, N.J.; Richard Hughes Jr., MD and wife, Marceline, and their children, Jonathan, David and Michelle, of Queensbury, N.Y.; Peter Hughes, MD and wife, Anna Poulos, MD and children, Alexandra, Erica, Brian and Christopher of Glens Falls, N.Y.; Ann Hughes, MD and husband, Jeff Daniels, MD and children, Benjamin, Lauren, Melissa and Kelly, of West Long Branch, N.J.; Patricia Hughes, MD and husband, Fred Brandt, MD and children, Alison and Julia, of Essex Fells, N.J.; Robert Hughes, MD and wife, Clair Hensler, and daughter, Larissa, of Queensbury, N.Y.; Thomas Hughes, MD and wife, Margaret, and children, Patrick, Katie and Timothy, of Queensbury, N.Y. Friends may call on Friday, Aug. 14, from 4 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, August 15, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Sullivan-Minahan and Potter Funeral Home, 407 Bay Road, Queensbury, N.Y. A private service and burial will be arranged at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, and continuing his longstanding support of education, he has requested donations be made in Dr. Hughes’s name to Albany Medical Center Foundation, P.O. Box 8928, Albany, NY, 12214-8081 or the Guardian Angel Fund, St. Mary’s-St. Alphonsus School, 10-12 Church St., Glens Falls, NY 12801. # – # – # Hughes, Richard A. Sr. [MC1942 RIP] McDonnell, John [MC????] # # # # # posted 2010-11-05 16:26 |
Nov 5, 2010 JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) shares an offering by Breen, Jerry (MC1971)[JR: Sent me this for me personally. I've taken the liberty of sharing it with our fellow Jaspers. I always though Jerry was one talented Jasper. And, perhaps, someone would really want their own "original Breen". Maybe it'll bring some future relative a big score on an Antique Roadshow 2159". ROFL!]To one and all: It’s been a while since I sent out an update on my activities. I’ll try to keep more current. (Don’t worry – I won’t be “tweeting” or “twittering”.) First of all, some good news. Katie Baumgart’s dad tells me that she’s recovering nicely from her collapsed lung. Some of you have asked about her progress, and you’ll be relieved to know that. Second, I’m offering family caricatures for your Christmas cards or Chanukah cards. I did a few for some friends last year, and they were a big hit. (Attached is some info and some samples.) Also, keep me in mind for drawing live caricatures at your office parties and house parties this holiday season. (Info for that is also attached.) Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah. I hope you all weather these tough times well. Hang in there. Sincerely, Jerry Breen # – # – # ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() # # # # # posted 2010-11-05 18:11 |
Nov 6, 2010JLINKEDIN: Ozturk, Doga [MC1998] StratEng/TacticalEng Mgmt at AT+T, Doga [MC1998] Strategic Engineer/ Tactical Engineer Management at AT&T Greater New York City Area Telecommunications # # # # # |
Nov 3, 2010Comment on JNEWS: Weber, Harry [MC1982] Ramsey Borough Councilby Harry WeberJohn, Ed, That is correct. I am a 1982 grad from Manhattan. Thanks for the post! Best, Harry [JR: With this comment, I am pleased to change the square brackets to the prestigious round ones signify that our fellow Jasper has been foolish enough to give me his email address.] Weber, Harry (MC1982) # # # # # |
Nov 6, 2010ENDNOTE: “… poverty can be eliminated …”, but NOT by Gooferment can be defeated, Vatican envoy tells UN October 22, 2010 *** begin quote *** The Vatican’s representative at UN headquarters in New York has argued poverty can be eliminated if nations find the political will for the task. Archbishop Francis Chullikatt, speaking at a UN session on the eradication of poverty, said that it is an “insult” to human dignity when people today lack adequate food, water, shelter, and clothing at a time when there is so much wealth. The drive to satisfy these material needs, he said, “should not be considered as an act of charity but rather as an obligation of the international community.” *** end quote *** [JR: With all due respect to the good Archbishop, he's singing to a deaf audience. The politicians and bureaucrats "like" the current system just fine. They ain't poor and, for the most part, they ARE the problem. When you talk "Gooferment", you are talking about "Force". And, sorry, money is NOT the root of all evil. The concept that another human being can be FORCED to do something IS that root. Argh! A voluntary act of charity is SO MUCH more effective than all the Gooferment programs and diktats. And, cheaper. We need to figure how to get Gooferment, politicians, and bureaucrats out of the way. And, let the Salvation Army, the Boy Scouts, and all people of good will solve the problem of clean water, wholesome food, and safe shelter. While we may always have "poverty", (at least we will as long as we have Gooferment), we can make that "poverty" unlike real spirit-crushing hopeless "poverty" we have today. Start by ending corrupt Gooferments, eliminating the minimum wage, and energizing private charity. Argh!] # # # # # |