Jul 17, 2011 POSITRACTION: If we could see ... a single flower clearlyFROM POSITIVE PRESS DOT COMA mother and her five ducklings are saved thanks to the efforts of Chicago’s fire and police departments, as well as a couple of Good Samaritans: # – # – #,0,1686472.story Ducks rescued on Lake Shore Drive Five ducklings were rescued on Lake Shore Drive. (WGN-TV) Staff report 4:55 a.m. CDT, June 29, 2011 *** begin quote *** A daring rescue operation on Lake Shore Drive saved the lives of a mother duck and her five ducklings Tuesday night. All it took was the coordinated efforts of some Good Samaritans, police and firefighters and Chicago Streets and Sanitation. *** and *** As police were protecting the rescuers from traffic, firefighters attempted to pry the grate off with metal stakes. When that effort proved unsuccessful, a Streets and San truck attached a chain to the grate and pulled it off. Another Good Samaritan reached down and scooped out the trapped duckling in his hat. *** end quote *** [JR: Sound dumb? So why would all these people go out of their way to “save” some ducklings. It makes no economic sense. It makes no practical sense. It make no risk adjusted sense. So why? Could it be that — If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. ~ Buddha — … maybe people see the miracle of life in s few dumb ducks. For all our sophistication, we still have to create life the old fashion way. Maybe that’s what these folks know … at the gut level.] # # # # # |
Jul 17, 2011 JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Young, Stephen [MC1981]RE: Young, Stephen M. 1981 competes for Sup of Berlin School District The Candidates For BCSD Superintendent On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I believe that Stephen is a member of the Class of 1981. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Young, Stephen M. [MC1981] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 06:51 |
Jul 17, 2011 MFOUND: Workshops being held at MCREPORTING LIVE FROM THE BLOG DESK IN THE VIRTUAL JASPER JOTTINGS NEWSROOM … ELRO.COLLEGE.COUNSELING RUMINATIONS ON THE COLLEGE PROCESS, ADVICE FROM A FORMER ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR, PHILOSOPHY ON APPLYING, AND ALL THINGS COLLEGE. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2011 *** begin quote *** It is July which means it is time for College Summit! I’m at my first of two workshops for the summer, typing this from my extra long twin bed at Manhattan College. Tonight’s banquet was full of some really powerful personal statement ‘sneak peeks’ and I’m impressed, as always, with the work that the peer leaders have been putting in. *** end quote *** [JR: I'm detecting the presence of intelligent life emanating from the campus. During the summer? ] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 06:59 |
Jul 17, 2011 JEMAIL: O’Connell, Bill (MC1976) Gooferment can’t “give” without …On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Bill O’Connell wrote:Response to Mark Mangone, 1) Mark, the operative word it “give”. Government doesn’t have anything to give that it doesn’t first take from its citizens. A tax break merely lets an individual keep more of their own wealth. If your statement “Tax code favors the rich. It finances the government off the middle class and gives the rich back their money to invest.” Well, at least you admit it’s the taxpayers money. But under the Clinton tax rates (after all he is the “gold standard” of economic leadership to progressives) the top 1% of taxpayers paid 37.4% or all income taxes. After the Bush tax cuts, the top 1% paid 38.02% of total taxes. What!? Bush cut taxes and the rich ended up carrying a larger share of the tax burden. Yes, Mark, it’s true. If we look a step further. The top 5% paid 56.47% of all income taxes and under Bush it rose to 58.72%. Damn! So help me understand that if only the top 5% of earners, who I think you would agree would be considered rich, pay 58.72% of all taxes, how is the government financed off of the middle class? The bottom 75% of earners, which I am sure you would agree captures the middle class, pay just 13.66% of total income taxes. Please explain. 2) Your example of the Post Office is an interesting one. If the Post Office is efficient, then why doesn’t it just price its services so that it breaks even? Why should taxpayers have to subsidize it every year to the tune of several billion dollars? You say the Post Office sends a letter from Florida to Washington State for 44 cents. To be more accurate I would say it charges 44 cents, I don’t know how much it costs to get it there. It also charges 44 cents to send a piece of mail across the street. So if nothing else there is an inefficient cross subsidy going on here where perhaps the person sending mail across the country is getting a great bargain and the person sending birthday card to grandma across the street is getting screwed. As far as putting my money where my mouth is, are you aware it is illegal for any company to provide first class delivery of the mail other than the Post Office? Lift that restriction and we’ll see what happens. I send the bulk of my correspondence electronically, anywhere in the world, for nothing, or for some uncalculated fraction of my monthly internet service and e-mail box charges. 3) There is every reason that the government cannot be efficient. It has no incentive to do so. If a private business is inefficient it goes out of business. If Medicare loses $60-$100 billion a year to theft, oh well, what a pity; we’ll have to increase their budget next year. I agree that there are many good local governments. Don’t fall for the progressive argument that conservatives area against all government. However it should be a pyramid, with the federal government doing that which it was empowered to do in Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution. It should not be building tunnels in Boston, turtle crossing in Florida, or subsidizing mass transit in New York. It should not be involved in education, housing, agriculture; I’ll just stop there. Those are things that are better handled, if at all, at the state or local level. If you have a problem with your government, in most cases, you should be able to go knock on the mayor’s front door, not write a letter to a Congressman who represents you and 711,000 of your closet friends and who to get anything done has to convince 218 of his colleagues to go along with it and then get 50 senators and the President of the United States to agree and you begin to see the problem. Thanks, Mark for your thoughts. # – # – # O’Connell, Bill (MC1976) [JR: A fun Sunday morning. <1> That's why the Dead Old White Guys tied taxes to property. The poor didn't pay. But everyone who owned something significant had skin in the game. <2> DNF that the Post Office ignores certain costs that a real biz can't. Like all it's buildings it gets free. No depreciation to interfere with a P&L calculation. And politicians get free mail. <3> I'd assert that the Gooferment is be definition immoral, ineffective, AND inefficient because of it's claimed monopoly on the use of force. The time, wealth, attention, and resources spent on enforcing compliance are wasted. People will do what they want anyway. Like spooning soup with a fork. Or, better, lipstick on the pig; still ugly and annoys the pig.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 11:27 |
Jul 17, 2011 JEMAIL: O’Connell, Bill (MC1976) believes in private charityDear Jasper Stebbins,Perhaps I misread an e-mail along the way and confused something you said with a “pro-choice” position. If I did, I apologize for the mischaracterization. If, however, you discard that bit of Catholic teaching I stand firm. Life begins at conception. Any action to take before its natural end is a mortal sin, so I will leave the government’s role out of it. Ah, the Wall Street bailout. Let’s see, let’s compare what Wall Street gave to Obama vs. McCain, shall we? Goldman Sachs – Obama $994,795, McCain $230,095; Citigroup – Obama $701,290, McCain $322,051; JP Morgan Chase – Obama $695,132, McCain228,107; Morgan Stanley – Obama $514,881, McCain $237,452. So are the evil geniuses of Wall Street suddenly so dumb that they would go deep into their pockets to elect a man who was against him? Wall Street likes big government assuming all the risks while they make boatloads of money on the upside. Obama and the Progressives are big government personified. The gamblers of Wall Street did the bidding of the Democrats who engineered the housing bubble, starting with FDR creating Fannie Mae, then Johnson took Fannie Mae off the books and made it “private” so that he could spend more on his Great Society Program and continue the War in Viet Nam without people complaining he’s spending too much. Then he added the Department of Housing and Urban Development (tell me again where that is authorized in the Constitution?). Jimmy Carter added his fuel to the fire by passing the Community Reinvestment Act, to declare banks racists unless they could prove otherwise and ACORN and Obama sprang up to make sure that they could not erase that stain without lowering lending standards in poor neighborhoods. Bill Clinton came along and came up with even lower lending standards to make sure everyone owned a home whether they could afford it or not, while promising to unleash Janet Reno against anyone who balked and when Wall Street came up with the cash to make sure the party continued, the government made sure that when the morning after came, the banks would be protected and the taxpayers got the bill. So drop the tired old “Wall Street is the agent of the conservatives” lie. The fact that you give plenty to charity is a credit to you. God bless. But while you are telling me to read the bible, perhaps you should do the same. “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, render unto God that which is God’s.” I don’t recall Jesus teaching, “Hey, let’s all go to Rome and lobby for more government programs!” He said it was our responsibility. Government is minimally necessary, but when it comes to helping people, they are awful at it. Money gets stolen, money gets wasted, some who deserve help don’t meet the criteria, some who meet the criteria don’t deserve the help. I have had quite enough of the Joe Biden’s who say we all need to pay more in taxes, and that he is a good Catholic, while he gives next to nothing to charity and fights tooth and nail for abortion. Meanwhile progressives are constantly battling against people of faith to belittle them. This country was founded on the principle of Freedom of Religion, not freedom from religion. Somehow, Jasper Stebbins, you seem to have confused the Church with the Government. You worship at the foot of the government and its ability to take what it wants or throw the resister in jail and that somehow governments are all good. It is not policies of stinginess that have killed millions around the world it is the policies of socialism. Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot are the ones who have killed millions in the name of the socialist nirvana that you embrace. Foreign aid, to quote Ron Paul, is “where poor people in rich countries give money to rich people in poor countries.” His point being that most foreign aid the government provides is stolen by the dictators in those countries. I believe in private charity. But with government wasting more and more money and you and your fellow travelers demanding that we pour more of our wealth down that rat hole, then there is less left over for we conservatives to give to where it will do the most good. I am confident of one thing, however, and that is that the spread between the greater amount that conservatives give to charity and what the progressives give will remain large and most likely grow. I face facts all the time Jasper Stebbins .. Sincerely yours, Bill O’Connell BE 1976 # # # # # [JR: And, just cause I like a good pot stirring. The R's are not "God's children" in this morality play. They bear a large responsibility in the mess. I'd have to go back through my blog posts, but they either "passed" or spent their share of this mess. Part D Drug Benefit. EPA. Various and sundry budgets. And that's just off the top of my head. And, don't forget, my "worst President", Lincoln, was a Republican and he ended the Great American Experiment.] [JR: Love the at Ron Paul line on "foreign aid". How can you not vote for the guy?] [JR: And it's hard for a mass murdered to rack up a body count in the millions without Gooferment.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 11:04 |
Jul 17, 2011 JEMAIL: O’Connell, Bill (MC1976) thinks all life is preciousOn Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Bill O’Connell wrote:Jasper Stebbins on Poverty, You had me there Stebbins. For a moment, I thought I had mischaracterized you as being pro-choice but you have lifted that doubt and you are pro-choice. I will let pass the Satan reference as I wrote my last response before the jury verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. But you come right back to my point. You think it is okay, even noble, to kill her child before it is born, but somehow heinous to do it afterward. Casey Anthony could have carried her child to term and given it up for adoption. With many Americans traveling to South America and China and Africa to adopt children, I don’t think little Caylee would be unloved today as an adopted child, if given the chance. So a conservative viewpoint that all life is precious from conception to natural death is personified in Casey Anthony? That’s pretty twisted thinking, my fellow Jasper. I too have sponsored foster children in third world countries (horrors! From a conservative!). But again Stebbins you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand you say we should give more and more of our wealth to government and then you bemoan that more people aren’t giving to foster programs. Perhaps if we shrank government down to size we would have ample money to do so. If you recall, I am for private charity, less government. Your thinking falls short in the belief that the world economy is a zero sum game; that for someone to make a profit, someone has to lose an equal amount. We can end poverty around the world by relegating socialism to the dustbin of history and promoting economic freedom around the world. If you believe in the zero sum game you might be interested in this website ( and look at the Health & Wealth of the World as it shows how the world has changed over time from the 1800s to today along measures of life expectancy and income per person. When the animation stops in 2009 you can check the countries that are still struggling and you will see that they are among the most repressive governments in the world. If your worldview was accurate there may be changes among the various countries, but they would all pretty much stay where they started with just a few advancing. But alas, my fellow Jasper, you are wrong. Sincerely yours, Bill O’Connell BE 1976 # # # # # [JR: I like my "time out for tyrants". If your country is "poor" by any objective standard, then you're Personna Non Grata and have to stay there until it's fixed. No globe trotting. Just consignment to your boundaries until you get your act together. Gooferment, politicians, and bureaucrats are the REAL cause of poverty. Even here in the USA. The dole demoralizes and trains people to be dependent.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 12:06 |
Jul 17, 2011 JLINKEDIN: Conroy, Kerry [MC2004] DirGuidance @ La Salle Acad, Kerry [MC2004] Director of Guidance at La Salle Academy United States Primary/Secondary Education # # # # # |
Jul 17, 2011 JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) has an ideaOn Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Toner, Mike (MC1972) wrote:> [JR: On a serious note, where are the replacements?] Dear f. John, To answer your question at the end – Perhaps there are some very able and dedicated young (or not so young) women whose callings Herr Ratzinger says that they and we shouldn’t listen to… mike toner BEE ’72 Buffalo, NY # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 18:45 |
Jul 17, 2011 JEMAIL: Burton, Michael (MC1984) charity for Buron’s boyshttp://Scottshope.comA college scholarship fund has been established for the three sons (Danny age 4, Matt age 7 and chris age 7) of recently deceased Scott Burton, class of 91. People interested should go to # – # – # Burton, Michael (MC1984) # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-17 @ 23:53 |
Jul 18, 2011 JLINKEDIN: Mancini, Lou [MC1987] Operations at JD Events, Lou [MC1987] Operations at JD Events Greater New York City Area Education Management Summary: • JD Events LLC • KioskCom Self Service Expo • The Digital Signage Show • Content & Communications World • Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo • School Building Expo Specialties: Trade Shows # # # # # |
Jul 19, 2011 JNEWS: Rizzotti, Matt [MC2007?] draws on people following him*** begin quote *** The first is in today’s New York Daily News on BlueClaws 2008 first baseman Matt Rizzotti (why the NY Daily News? He’s from Floral Park, went to Molloy and Manhattan College): It didn’t take long for Reading coach Mark Parent to see that his fast-talking first baseman was unflappable. “His approach to hitting is different than anyone I’ve ever seen,” says Parent, who has played and coached in professional baseball for 26 years. “He chooses to hit with two strikes. He almost likes hitting with two strikes.” *** end quote *** Matt Rizzotti, Archbishop Molloy and Manhattan College product, attracts major attention in Reading BY BRIAN TOWEY SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Monday, July 18th 2011, 4:00 AM *** begin quote *** Barbara Rizzotti, Matt’s mother, noticed that her son was uniquely gifted when he was a freshman at Manhattan. Standing in the kitchen of their Floral Park, L.I., home, she asked Matt the date of his next game. He read the date off of his schedule – which was pinned to a spice cabinet 14 feet away. “I said to him, ‘Matt, you can read that?’” *** and *** Rizzotti’s best opportunity to advance could come through a trade. If he is frustrated, he keeps it nicely hidden. “No. I do not think about it at all,” he says of Howard and his place in the organization. “It’s comparing a minor leaguer to a major leaguer. It makes no sense. … It’s an added pressure I don’t need.” For Rizzotti, pressure has never been an issue. Nor has motivation. “What drives me is everyone that has helped me get this far,” Rizzotti says. “Friends. Family. Coaches. Even people I don’t know. People from the hometown. It just fuels you. “You think of all these people really focused on you,” he adds, “and it makes you say, ‘Yeah, I want to keep going.’” *** end quote *** [JR: OK, fellow alums, let's give Matt some "fuel". Focus, applaud, and now let's get back to what's truly important ... playing Angry Birds. (It's a great TV commercial that's stuck in my head.) ] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 08:14 |
Jul 19, 2011 JNEWS: Seda, Keith [MC1974] Dir Eng @ Horizon Eng Assocs Hires Director Of Engineering Horizon Engineering Assocs. LLP Hires Director Of Engineering, Keith Seda, LEED AP, CBCP. BY: HEA, LLP 07/15/2011 *** begin quote *** Horizon Engineering Assocs. LLP (HEA), a professional engineering firm specializing in commissioning, energy consulting, and LEED services, has hired Keith Seda as the new director of engineering for its Northeast Region. Mr. Seda will manage and oversee four offices throughout New York in Long Island, Albany, Syracuse, and HEA’s headquarters in Manhattan. With over 20 years of engineering and project management experience, he specializes in commissioning for LEED, existing buildings and new construction; ASHRAE energy audits to satisfy PlaNYC’s Local Law 87; and NEBB testing services. He focuses on commissioning mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems across all industries including healthcare, commercial, manufacturing and higher education. *** and *** Mr. Seda holds a Bachelors of Engineering degree from Manhattan College where he specialized in Mechanical Engineering. He is a LEED Accredited Professional as well as a Certified Building Commissioning Professional. He is also working towards becoming a Certified Energy Manager this year. *** end quote *** Seda, Keith [MC????] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 08:25 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I believe that Keith is a member of the Class of 1974. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Seda, Keith [MC1974] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-20 @ 09:38 |
Jul 19, 2011 MNEWS: A fellow walking towards MC|mostpopular|text|SPORTS Baseball: Section 1 honors New Rochelle’s Duran, Pearl River’s Scarinci Jul 16, 2011 Written by STAFF REPORTS *** begin quote *** A pair of area players recently received individual honors, as determined in voting by the Section 1 baseball coaches. *** and *** Pearl River’s Mike Scarinci was named the Section 1 pitcher of the year. The senior right-hander went 6-0 with 38 strikeouts and 11 walks in 45 innings. His 1.34 ERA was the lowest in Rockland County. Scarinci batted .273 with 13 RBI. He will try to walk on at Manhattan College. *** end quote *** [JR: I hope he does. MC has a one handed bball center and is just the place to make dreams come true.] “NO! … Try not! … Do or do not… there is no try.” (To do it justice, you must say the word try with all the revulsion and disgust you can put on it. Like you were talking about a rapist, a child murderer, or a politician!) — Yoda (Fictional character from George Lucas’s “Star Wars” movie) # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 08:31 |
Jul 19, 2011 JNEWS: Gormley, Phil [MC1981] riding to cure ALS*** begin quote *** Friday Rye triathlon ace Phil Gormley will lead local delegation in fund-raising Tri-State Trek, today through Sunday, through a 280-mile charity bicycle ride to raise money and awareness for ALS/TDF, an organization designed to raise money to fund scientific research and raise awareness about ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. They also support PALS–People With ALS. Gormley, a fashion industry executive and former Manhattan College swimmer, became involved with the bike-a-thon to help raise funds for Team Friends of Claire, founded in honor of his late sister Claire, an ALS sufferer as well as MAC Angels, supporting families with ALS. Trek winds its way through parts of NY-NJ-Conn. and winds up with “Tour de France”-style finale in Greenwich. Information: Tri-State Trek/Team Friends of Claire/MAC Angels’s Fundraising Page. *** end quote *** Gormley, Phil [MC????] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 08:35 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I believe that Phil is a member of the Class of 1981. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Gormley, Phil [MC1981] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 08:50 |
Jul 19, 2011 MNEWS: MC gets good press in Oswego, Illinois 60543 Volovski a future Manhattan Jasper Returning Oswego team MVP bound for Division I team by Kristin Sharp 7/14/2011 *** begin quote *** While many incoming senior athlete face an added stress of impressing college recruits in their final season, Oswego senior Sydney Volovski won’t have to worry about her future. *** end quote *** [JR: The article reads like a recruiting poster for MC. It's like the writer was actually there and touting it. Nice read. Better than NLRB stories. I hole Miss V does come to MC and hits the ball out of the park. ... Oops wrong sports metaphor. You get the idea.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 08:42 |
Jul 19, 2011 JNEWS: Kasprzak, Loraine (MC1984) did a presentation *** begin quote *** What’s the Big Deal about Blogging? Is it the latest fad or a smart way to market your practice? Today there are many options to market your consulting business including cold calling – the bane for many consultants. Blogging is a newer option that has its advantages and some drawbacks. Like a double espresso macchiato that wakes up your sleepy brain, a well-crafted blog can rev up even the most sluggish marketing and help generate client leads for your consulting practice. A blog – which allows you to publish content to the Web – can be an effective way to communicate your viewpoint and expertise to your target market. In this interactive 1-hour session, Loraine Kasprzak, CMC, will show you how consultants are using blogs to generate new business and create and maintain valuable customer connections. She’ll share the elements of a successful blog and give you a “Quick Start” plan that will help you get your blog set up quickly. She’ll also reveal how to promote your blog, integrate it with your current marketing tactics, and use it to build relationships in your network. In a separate 1/2–hour breakout session, Loraine will walk you through blog set-up in WordPress, including how to choose a theme, select add-ons, create pages, and publish a post. *** and *** Loraine Kasprzak, CMC, MBA, has over 17 years of hands-on experience in marketing communications and strategy. One of Loraine’s strengths is her ability to help her clients connect with their customers to grow relationships and sales by clarifying clients’ thinking so that they can focus and fine-tune their messages for the marketplace. Loraine is Managing Director of Advantage Marketing Consulting Services. She is the past Executive Editor for IMC USA’s Connector newsletter and is on IMC’s Social Media Committee. Loraine blogs about marketing and social media at and can be reached at or 908.233.6265. *** end quote *** Kasprzak, Loraine [MC1984] [JR: Sorry about the after the fact story. Too bad, maybe if folks would let us know in advance, we could add more value. Why do folks thing that sharing a heads up is akin to bragging. Argh!] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 08:58 |
Jul 19, 2011 JBLOGGER: Phelps, Steve (MC1968) counters assertions, JULY 18, 2011 “Sell Crazy Someplace Else…” “…we’re all stocked up here.”* Fair warning: I’m going to start posting discussions and links to information to counter the dangerous and self-defeating assertions of my Republican and other right-wing and “libertarian” friends — not to try to convince them, they’re too committed to their unfortunate and false-to-fact belief systems — but to try to give heart to those with more sensible views, and perhaps even help (in a very small way) to mobilize a few from among the great majority of Americans who are moderate and liberal… (which is not a dirty word as some would try to have it, but instead a proud tradition that has served this country and its people well). * Mark Andrus and James L. Brooks, “As Good as It Gets,” 1997. Posted by Steve Phelps # # # # # Jasper John R. said… Well us crazy little L libertarians will only read if you’ll promise to listen. Besides “liberal” only became a bad word when it was take over by the socialists who want to imprison us. The Classical Liberals are the progenitors of the little L libertarians. In their fight against the oppression of the King, Church, and Mercantilism, they set the intellectual foundation for the Dead Old White Guys and the American Experiment. “Men can and should govern themselves.” Sorry, but Gooferment using force and fraud on men and women isn’t good idea. Liberty is the destiny. The Garden of Eden. Where the lamb will lie down with the Lion. Donna Nobis Pacem # – # – # Phelps, Steve (MC1968) # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 09:07 |
Jul 19, 2011 JLINKEDIN: Gianino, Christine [MC2008] CaseMgr Work First NJ, Christine [MC2008] Case Manager for Work First New Jersey Greater New York City Area Government Administration Summary: Recent graduate of Columbia University School of Social Work with concentrations in vocational social work and generalist practice and programming. Specialties: social work, vocational counseling, career counseling, case management # # # # # |
Jul 19, 2011 JEMAIL: McNulty, Joseph (MC1987) — brother Brian had a heart attackREPORTING LIVE FROM THE FACEBOOK NEWS DESK IN THE VIRTUAL JASPER JOTTINGS NEWSROOM …McNulty, Joseph (MC1987) So no one gets the wrong story, my brother Brian had a heart attack on Sunday followed by a heart cathorazation at Good Samaritan Hospital. He was doing fine today awaiting his release and doctor’s orders he is doing fine….further updates pending…. [JR: Of course, prayers and good thoughts in his direction.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-19 @ 22:23 |
Jul 20, 2011 JEMAIL: Stebbins, Donald M (MC1961) defends Biden’s givingNancy Grace is a liberal?Joe Biden does not give enough charity? Interesting claims but totally irrelevant to our conversations. If Nancy is a liberal I am the man in the moon, but she did say that the “devil is dancing tonight” after Casey Anthony was acquitted. That is all I claimed about her. Joe Biden’s giving patterns have nothing to do with me or anyone else. As a matter of fact when I collected for charities at work liberals were far more generous then the more numerous conservatives, who always seemed to have excuses for not giving. But I can not generalize from that small sample any more than you can attribute to liberals the donation levels of Joe Biden or any other individual. BTW Joe Biden was among the most the least wealthy senators and a man very devoted to his family. He was not among the many senators who parlayed their office into wealth or had wealth to begin with. Many senators owe their souls to people of wealth. Joe Biden was not among them. Some of the big donors probably donate with stolen money and for show- contrary to the demands of scripture. Speaking of scripture, it seem the the only scripture conservatives know is “the poor will always be with you” and never seem to remember that “it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to gain heaven.” As a matter of fact the rich seem to disown most of the new testament’s call for the primacy of the poor in all our financial considerations. In the mind of the conservative, Jesus’s word game with Judas is elevated to doctrine while the many condemnations of wealth are ignored. Talk about selective reading of the bible!! You apparently do not believe that Medicare is more efficient than private health insurance. I said it was and now submit proof. I am not in the habit of saying things without proof to back me up. According to this web page the American Medical Association has calculated the adminstrative cost of Medicare at 3.1% vs 14.1% for private insurance. An average estimate by four respected groups is 4.7% for Medicare and 14.8% for private insurance. see Sincerely yours, Donald M Stebbins BS 1961 [JR: <1> Interesting? When a supposedly Catholic politician supports abortion and publishes a tax return with virtually zero charitable contributions, then instead of lecturing "greedy libertarians", perhaps you might lecture CINO politicians. <2> No, we also know "cast the first stone". The point is that "Governments are instituted among men" NOT to do wealth transfers. <3> No I don't. Look at the Jazzy / Hoveround fraud as an example. Besides Medicare is immoral. It the Gooferment intruding into health care. As with most Gooferment programs, it transfers wealth around with winners and losers. And, incurs huge overhead in paperwork, market distortions, and inefficiencies. We just can't afford the Gooferment and we can't control it.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-20 @ 09:20 |
Jul 20, 2011 JOBIT: Cahill, Thomas [MC1966 RIP] Cahill CAHILL Thomas P., 66, of Brooklyn Heights, NY died on July 17, 2011 at Mary Manning Walsh Home from complications of stroke, atrial fibrillation and vascular dementia. Tom is survived by his beloved son, Thomas, a freshman at St. John’s University, his wife, Terri, of JP Morgan Chase New York, his sister, Mrs. Karen Bartholomew, of Washington, DC, his niece, Jennifer Bayly of Los Angeles, and nephew, Colin Bayly of Washington, DC. His loving parents, Thomas and Margaret Cahill of Newton, New Jersey and Manhattan preceded him in death. Tom was a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd (Inwood) and the Brooklyn Oratory Church (Brooklyn). Tom is a retired Vice President of JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA and an adjunct professor of New York University/ Polytech where he taught graduate courses until his illness. At JPMorgan Chase Tom was a leader in emerging technology for over 30 years. He is the lead inventor on 8 technology patents. In the late 90s, he was the only banker named to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s e-Commerce Committee. In the early 80′s he worked with the National Security Agency and ANSI on the development of the FIMAS Authentication Standard. During his career with Chase Manhattan Bank, he was a representative to ANSI and ISO committees and among the many projects he worked on was the JPEG standard for image compression, and standards for CHIP cards. Tom was a recognized industry leader in data security, image technology, push banking, and intellectual property. During his tenure at Chase, he was a pioneer in the first breakthroughs in image processing with on demand retrieval of check and document images which led to the rapid development of new products. Tom was frequently asked to provide expert testimony on behalf of the Federal Government. He also reviewed and edited college text books. During his prime, Tom was an avid runner and ran the New York Marathon, a licensed pilot of planes and gliders, a bungee jumper, and an artist. Tom’s greatest devotion and joy was his son, Thomas, whose education and religious guidance were his most important priorities. Tom received a Bachelor of Arts from Manhattan College in 1966. He also held two Masters degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering from Polytech University. The family will receive friends at the Redden’s Funeral Home 325 West 14th Street New York City on Thursday 2-5 and 7-9 PM. The Funeral Mass will be 10 AM on Friday at the Oratory Church of St Boniface at 3 Metrotech, Brooklyn. Interment at St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Newton, New Jersey. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Mary Manning Walsh Center in Manhattan for their care of Tom or the National Stroke Association in Washington, D.C. Stroke is the leading cause of disability and third leading cause of death in the United States. Science associated with dementia, stroke and other brain disorders need continued research for improved treatments and prevention. Published in The Record and Herald News on July 20, 2011 #-#-# Cahill, Thomas [MC1966 RIP] Guestbook: ##### |
Jul 20, 2011 JLINKEDIN: Desmond, Bill [MC2007] ProjMgr at Efficient Pwr, Bill [MC2007] Project Manager at Efficient Power Corp. Greater New York City Area Renewables & Environment # # # # # |
Jul 21, 2011 JOBIT: Schneider, Douglas [MC1962 RIP]On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 1:24 PM, douglas schneider wrote:My husband died in April. I have requested before that you stop sendsing these emails. If I receive another one, I will contact our State Attorney’s Office and ask that they take legal action against you. Thanks for your consideration in this matter. MS # # # # # [JR: After reading this, I replied.] Dear Ms. Schneider, I have no intent to intrude. These emails were just the weekly alumni news. I was unaware of his passing. I’d like to pass along the news. The obituary didn’t mention Manhattan College or I’d have reported it. Having lost my own wife in February, please accept my sympathies. If I can be of any service, please don’t hesitate to ask. Fjohn68 p.s., Of course, I’ll stop your husband’s subscription. [JR: And, of course, I did that. I also did a quick search of Legacy and Google, with the following result.] # – # – # Douglas D. Schneider BORN: July 23, 1939 DIED: April 7, 2011 RESIDENCE: Florence, KY Tributes received this obituary from The Social Security Death Index, a public source. No further information other than what is displayed is available. # – # – # [JR: This may be a match.] #-#-# Schneider, Douglas [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: None cited. (But I do have an email address that his spouse is reading.) ##### On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I believe that Douglas is a member of the Class of 1962. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Schneider, Douglas [MC1962 RIP] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-22 @ 08:27 |
Jul 21, 2011 JNEWS: Brady, Michael [MC2005] NYDN Guest EditorialOn Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Mike McEneney wrote:Dear John, Today’s NY Daily News, Queens Edition has a very thoughtful and respectful Guest Editorial by Michael Brady,’05, imploring the Archbishop to maintain our Catholic Schools in the poor neighborhoods. Mike has been an active member of the Alumni Society, as well as his commitment to Catholic Education. I have a copy if you need it. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. Need it.] [JR: Interesting how little content that the NYDN allows onto Google.] Brady, Michael [MC2005] [JR: Parochial education versus Gooferment Skrules is like bailing against the tide.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 09:01 |
Jul 21, 2011 JNEWS: Ricaforte, Terence Joseph [MC????] Bay Ridge home duo acquires Bay Ridge home by Amy Anderson, published July 20, 2011 *** begin quote *** Terence Joseph Ricaforte and Renata Landskind bought a 2,160-square-foot home at 58 74th St. in Bay Ridge from the estate of Barbara Tierney for {Privacy Invoked} on June 23. The home was built in 1940. Ricaforte is an associate at the Brooklyn office of the law firm Connors And Sullivan Attorneys At Law, PLLC. The areas of his practice include elder law, estate planning, litigation and tax law. He previously was a lawyer at the law firm Smotritsky & Spektor. He holds a B.S. degree in business administration from Manhattan College, Riverdale and a J.D. from New York Law School. # – # – # Ricaforte, Terence Joseph [MC????] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 09:10 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I do not find anything in my “stuff” for Terence. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. I missed the "Terence"; Olds-heimers affecting my cut'n'paste fingers?] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-22 @ 08:29 |
Jul 21, 2011 JNEWS: Kreuter, Eric A. [MC1981] Ptr Marks Paneth + Shron Paneth & Shron LLP Names Forensic Accounting Specialist as Partner in Litigation and Corporate Financial Advisory Services *** begin quote *** NEW YORK, NY— New York-area accounting firm Marks Paneth & Shron LLP (MP&S) has appointed forensic accounting specialist Eric A. Kreuter, Ph.D, CPA, CFE, age 51, as a partner in the firm’s Litigation and Corporate Financial Advisory Services Group. *** and *** At MP&S, Dr. Kreuter will help lead litigation and forensic work. He will also bring to bear his significant experience in management, commercial damages and human resources issues. *** and *** Dr. Kreuter earned a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from Saybrook University in San Francisco, California. Previously, he earned a Masters degree in Industrial Psychology from Long Island University in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and a Bachelors of Business Administration in Accounting degree from Manhattan College in Bronx, New York. Dr. Kreuter has had over a dozen years of teaching experience as an Associate Professor at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York, where he taught graduate classes in Human Resource Management. He serves on the American Board of Forensic Accounting of the American College of Forensic Examiners International. *** end quote *** Kreuter, Eric A. [MC????] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 09:16 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:38 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I believe that Eric is a member of the Class of 1981. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Kreuter, Eric A. [MC1981] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-22 @ 08:32 |
Jul 21, 2011 JNEWS: Gatens, Brian (MC1992) New sup Norwood NJ superintendent starts in Norwood THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2011 LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY JULY 21, 2011, 1:19 AM BY LIANNA ALBRIZIO STAFF WRITER NORTHERN VALLEY SUBURBANITE *** begin quote *** NORWOOD – Brian Gatens was appointed the new superintendent of Norwood’s k-8 district on April 25. His five-year contract was effective July 1, with an annual salary of $135,000, reflecting the state cap on superintendents’ salary based on enrollment as well as other factors. “I’m really enthusiastic,” said Gatens. “I’m excited to come to a great district with a long history, and I’m looking forward to being a part of it.” {Extraneous Deleted} “I had a really good experience there,” he said of his time working with Harrington Park’s superintendent, Adam Fried. “We did really good things. I felt I had the experience and skill set that’s as great as Norwood.” Holding a career in education for nearly 20 years, Gatens has master’s degrees in reading specialist from Fordham University and School Administration from Manhattan College. *** end quote *** # – # – # Gatens, Brian (MC1992) # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 09:24 |
Jul 21, 2011 JNEWS: Gonzalez, Hector (MC1985) Partner @ Dechert LLP Gonzalez Joins Dechert’s White Collar and Securities Litigation Practice in New York July 20, 2011 Dechert News Release *** begin quote *** International law firm Dechert LLP announced today that Hector Gonzalez has joined the firm as a partner in New York in the White Collar and Securities Litigation practice. Gonzalez was most recently a partner at Mayer Brown LLP. “Hector is an extremely dynamic lawyer,” said Dechert Chairman Andrew J. Levander. “His talent and experience give our already strong litigation practice yet another boost.” Gonzalez advises corporations and executives on a wide range of complex litigation matters, with a particular focus on criminal and related civil and administrative matters, SEC and CFTC enforcement proceedings and internal, grand jury and state attorneys general investigations. He has significant trial experience, having tried more than 20 federal and state jury trials and argued more than 30 cases before federal and state appellate courts. Gonzalez previously was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, where he served as Chief of the Narcotics Unit and was twice awarded the Department of Justice’s Director’s Award for Superior Performance. He also previously served as an Assistant District Attorney in the Appeals Bureau of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. A graduate of Manhattan College (B.S., 1985) and the University of Pennsylvania Law School (J.D., 1988), where he served as editor of the law review, Gonzalez is a member of the New York and New Jersey bars. “I am pleased to be joining such a strong and diverse litigation group,” Gonzalez said. “The resources at Dechert and the team there will allow me to better serve my clients.” About Dechert’s White Collar and Securities Litigation Practice Dechert’s white collar and securities litigation lawyers resolve difficult and sensitive matters for our clients discreetly and favorably. Hailed as a “go-to law firm” for litigation by Corporate Counsel, Dechert is one of only 10 U.S. firms singled out in The National Law Journal’s “Defense Hot List” for “exemplary, cutting-edge work in civil [litigation] defense.” The firm is also ranked among the nation’s top white collar defense and securities litigation firms by Benchmark Litigation and has been named a national leader in securities regulatory enforcement by Chambers USA. *** end quote *** Gonzalez, Hector (MC1985) # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 09:30 |
Jul 21, 2011 JNEWS: Mickulas, Philip [MC1965] President @ FCA Island / Family & Parenting / Parenting Issues Family and Children’s names new President Patty Knap, Long Island Parenting Examiner July 21, 2011 *** begin quote *** After 18 months as interim President & CEO of Family & Children’s Association, the non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and strengthening Long Islanders in need, Philip Mickulas has accepted this position full-time effective July 18, 2011. Mr. Mickulas, who has been Chief Operating Officer since 2000, stepped into the interim role following the untimely passing of Jim Harnett in January 2010. *** and *** Mr. Mickulas earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Manhattan College and a Masters of Social Work from Fordham University. Visit to learn more. Family & Children’s Association is a registered 501 ( c )(3) non-profit organization located at 100 E. Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501. *** end quote *** Mickulas, Philip [MC????] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-21 @ 09:42 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I believe that Philip is a member of the Class of 1965. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Mickulas, Philip [MC1965] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-22 @ 08:34 |
Jul 21, 2011 JLINKEDIN: Zielinski, Michele [MC1996] Sale at Sothebys, Michele [MC1996] Licensed Real Estate Salesperson at Sothebys International Realty Greater New York City Area Real Estate # # # # # |
Jul 22, 2011 JNEWS: Brannan, Alfred [MC???? RIP] suspected homicide > News > Local News CRIME Months later, man’s ‘natural death’ is homicide Police reviewed case after family persisted. By Doug Page, Staff Writer Updated 11:27 PM Thursday, July 21, 2011 *** begin quote *** DAYTON — Pressure from the victim’s family and renewed interest from police turned what was first thought to be the natural death of a retired University of Dayton professor into a suspected homicide. *** and *** At UD, Alfred Brannan held several positions in the history department and was president of the UD’s chapter of the of American Association of University Professors. He joined the university in 1962 and retired in 1996. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Manhattan College and his master’s degree from Notre Dame. *** end quote *** Brannan, Alfred [MC???? RIP] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-22 @ 08:50 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, I do not find anything in my “stuff” for Alfred. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. Frustrating. Maybe we can get help from the readership?] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-23 @ 06:46 |
Jul 22, 2011 JLINKEDIN: Kelly, Jim [MC????] ExecDir at J.P. Morgan, Jim [MC????] Executive Director at J.P. Morgan Greater New York City Area Financial Services # # # # # On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Mike McEneney wrote: Dear John, There are a number of “Jim Kelly’s” in my “stufff” but I can not figure out which is this Jim.’ Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. We'll have to wait and see.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-18 @ 07:11 |
Jul 23, 2011 JNEWS: Forras, Vincent [MC????] Gear Up Foundation Fireman’s Pact with God By Nancy Colasurdo Published July 22, 2011 | FOXBusiness *** begin quote *** Here’s what it says about the Gear Up Foundation on the back of founder Vincent “Vinny” Forras’ business card: A Living Tribute To All Who Perished On 911 And The Brave Responders Who Continue To Join Them “There’s a much bigger group that died that day and didn’t know it,” Forras told me in our recent interview. The Gear Up Foundation, which Forras co-founded with his wife Monica, donates “firefighting equipment, training and hope” to firemen in the U.S. and around the globe. A meaningful, worthy mission, but made all the more so with the help of a back story; this fine organization was born in dust and light and driven by a pact with God. *** and *** In a myriad of ways I could tell you it takes one to know one. Forras grew up in Queens with a Jewish mother and Christian father, both of Hungarian descent, and gained a sense of doing the right thing. He put aside his love of physical education and instead took over his father’s small aerospace business right out of Manhattan College despite his calling to teach. A man whose resume included life guard, ski instructor and black belts in martial arts, he used his extracurricular activities (like coaching baseball and soccer and becoming a volunteer fireman) to stay physically active while also fulfilling his desire to give back to the community. *** end quote *** Forras, Vincent “Vinny” [MC????] [JR: An interesting path he's taken after MC. Hope he finds peace. And prosperity.] # – # – # – # – # 2011-Jul-23 @ 06:58 |
Jul 23, 2011JLINKEDIN: Tom Dillon [MC1980] Webmaster @ PepsiCo Dillon [MC1980] IT Web Design Services – Webmaster – PepsiCo/Pepsi Beverages Company Greater New York City Area Food & Beverages # # # # # |
Jul 18, 2011 Comment on Marmbrandt, Malin (MC2011) hits the newspaperby Marmbrandt, Malin (MC2011)Lol it means “im in really good shape right now” # # # # # |
Jul 19, 2011 Comment on Kasprzak, Loraine (MC1984) presentationby Kasprzak, Loraine (MC1984)Hey JR, Now that I know you’re here, I will send you advance notice! These are good resources from the workshop for any business owner who wants/needs to start blogging: Quick Start Checklist for Blogging Blogging Resources Loraine Kasprzak, CMC, MBA # # # # # |
Jul 20, 2011 Comment on Stebbins, Donald M (MC1961) defends Bidenby Lodato, Ray (MC1984)Thank you, Mr. Stebbins, for your remarks. It’s great to see a Jasper who actually learned and remembers the lessons of the Gospels. # # # # # |
Jul 23, 2011ENDNOTE: A generation of indigent elderly All Things OUR GROUP BLOG CONTRIBUTORS COMMENTS POLICY GE, Coal Operators Latest to Eliminate Pensions POSTED AT: SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2011 03:26:14 PM AUTHOR: CLAYTON SINYAI *** begin quote *** While the US Catholic Bishops remind us that “adequate benefits and security in their old age” is among the rights of workers, Catholic Social Teaching on retirement security is not so well developed as that on, say, the living wage or the right to organize. Still, every American should be concerned about the social train wreck that is becoming visible a couple of decades from now. Using a combination of employer pensions, social security and medicare, our nation virtually eliminated poverty for the elderly in the last generation. Now even as pensions dry up, we are in the midst of a budget debate that seems likely to slash medicare and social security benefits as well. Our deficit is dire, to be sure – but so is the spectre of a generation of indigent elderly. And none of the deficit plans put forward by any quarter seem to have offered a solution to that. *** end quote *** Unfortunately, the good Bishops have been confused by all the “Secular Progressive” and their “Social Justice” claptrap. The “rights of workers” sounds like justification for the Big Gooferment form of enslaving the serfs. After all people can’t be expected to use their free will to provide for their old age. And, in a truly free economy, workers are NOT powerless. Mistreat them, underpay them, or underestimate them, they walk! Inflation, the hidden tax, falls heaviest on the poor and old. # # # # # |